Pantherans Traits
Characters with the pantheran heritage share a variety of traits in common with one another.
Age. Pantherans tend to mature quickly compared to many humanoids, reaching adolescence at 2 years and physically maturing by age 10. Their natural lifespan is between 50–70 years, with snow-spotted pantherans usually being the longest-lived.
Size. The smallest pantherans are rarely above 3 feet tall and weigh around 40 pounds, while the largest may be 8 feet and over 300 pounds. Your size is Medium, unless otherwise stated by your gift.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet, and you have a climbing speed of 30 feet.
Cat-Like Reflexes. You gain an
expertise die
on initiative checks.
Claws. You have retractable claws. Extending or retracting the claws requires no action. The claws are natural weapons, which you can use to make unarmed strikes that deal slashing damage equal to 1d6 + your Strength modifier.
Darkvision. You have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Pantheran Gifts
There is great diversity within the pantheran heritage. In addition to the traits found in your pantheran heritage, select one of the following gifts:
Originally hailing from high mountain regions, these pantherans have thick coats and a knack for navigating rocky crags. They most often resemble snow leopards. You have the
following traits:
Graceful Fall. You can reduce any falling damage you take by 10 as long are you are not incapacitated. This trait stacks with other attempts to mitigate falling damage, such as an
’s Slow Fall practiced technique.
Thick Fur. You are resistant to cold damage. You are also naturally acclimated to high altitudes, including elevations above 20,000 feet.
Weather Sense. You can spend one minute observing your surroundings. If you’re in a familiar type of terrain (as agreed with your Narrator), you can predict the next 24 hours of mundane weather. If you have never been in this type of terrain before, you can make a Survival check to do so, with a DC determined by the region’s tier. In addition, you can tell your altitude to within 100 feet.
The largest category of pantherans, stripefolk nevertheless have a fluid grace, both in and out of the water. As their name suggests, these folk
most often resemble tigers, though some may take after other large forest cats, like leopards.
Gifted Mimic. You gain an
expertise die
on checks to mimic the voice or call of another creature you have heard before. This die increases to 1d6 if a creature you are trying to
deceive can’t see you.
Excellent Swimmer. You have a swimming speed of 30 feet.
Natural Camouflage. You gain proficiency in Stealth. If you are already proficient, you instead gain an
expertise die
Powerful Frame. When determining your carrying capacity and the weight that you can push, drag, or lift, your size is considered to be Large.
Some pantherans resemble small wildcat species, such as bobcats or black-footed cats. They are far from helpless, however, and are some of the most skilled hunters and tenacious scrappers of the pantherans. You have the following traits:
Size. Your size is Small.
Natural Hunter. You have advantage on checks to perform the Hunt and Gather
journey activity
. On a success or better, you bring in 1 additional Supply each day.
Razor Quick. Your claws have the finesse property and you can use them as a bonus action.
Superior Darkvision. Your darkvision now extends to 120 feet. If you didn’t have darkvision already, you gain darkvision to a range of 60 feet.
Wriggly. You gain an
expertise die
on attempts made to escape being grappled. You do not suffer disadvantage on ability checks, attack rolls or Dexterity saving throws made while squeezing.
Pantheran Paragon
At 10th level, you have become a paragon of their heritage. You gain one of the following features:
Land on Your Feet
You learn the
feather fall
spell and can cast it a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus per long rest. You also gain advantage on Dexterity ability checks and saving throws.
Nine Lives
Once per long rest, you can do one of the following without using an action:
- Turn a failed saving throw into a success.
- Turn a successful saving throw or death saving throw into a critical success.
Twitching Whiskers
You gain blindsight to 30 feet and can’t be surprised by invisible creatures. Unseen attackers within 10 feet do not gain advantage on attack rolls against you.
Pantherans Culture
Pantherans are a versatile heritage, near-universally admired for their natural beauty and grace. However, even in cultures that value closeness, pantherans favor strict boundaries, both personal and spatial, and they will walk away from situations they do not care for, even to their own detriment. While they may enjoy battle or the hunt, it is a rare pantheran who looks for empire or conquest.
As a people pantherans delight in novelty and will risk much in the pursuit of curiosity and investigation, meaning that among them are some of the most dedicated scholars, determined explorers, and genre-pushing creatives. As competitive as they can be, however, pantherans almost universally acknowledge the benefits of rest, occasionally leading to confusion or conflict with others when a high-energy worker or colleague suddenly lays down their work in favor of a nap.
Suggested Cultures
While you can choose any culture for your pantheran character, the following cultures are linked closely with this heritage:
Freelinking: Node title Ka-Teni does not exist
lone wanderer
keeper of the land