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Ship (Stronghold)

A ship is a floating bastion, able to carry crew, passengers, and supplies on long voyages. Some ships are bare or outfitted for war; others are luxuriously appointed, making every journey a pleasure.

Ships are unable to use the disguised/hidden, island, mountaintop, underground, or pocket dimension features. As a stronghold, you may treat your ship as a haven .

Special. The cost of a ship is determined not by its square footage, but by its entry in the water vehicles table (see Table: Water Vehicles in Chapter Four: Equipment of Adventurer’s Guide).

Ability Score Increase: Charisma or Constitution

Mobile: A ship is a stronghold that doubles as a vehicle.

Stronghold Feat: You gain proficiency with water vehicles. If you are already proficient, you instead gain an expertise die .

At Grade 3, you gain an expertise die on all Athletics checks to climb or swim.

At Grade 4, you gain the ability to speak with all sea creatures. This does not grant them intelligence they would not normally have.

At Grade 5, your ship becomes so well-known that you and a number of allies equal to your proficiency bonus gain an expertise die when making Intimidation or Persuasion checks. These allies are chosen when you reach this grade and can be changed once per week.

Best Suited For: Fighter , marshal , rogue

Minimum Size: 400 square feet (Grade 2)

Minimum Quality: Frugal

Followers Available: Apothecary, cook, diviner, healer, sailor