Gate from Beyond
Gate from Beyond
You rend the veil to create a short-range portal from your location to any place you can see, visualize, or describe by stating distance and direction such as 200 feet straight downward or 400 feet upward at a 30-degree angle to the southeast.
You play a complex and quick up-tempo piece that gradually gets faster and more complex, instilling the targets with its speed.
Arcane Lock
Arcane Lock
The target is sealed to all creatures except those you designate (who can open the object normally). Alternatively, you may choose a password that suppresses this spell for 1 minute when it is spoken within 5 feet of the target.
Arcanist's Magic Aura
Arcanist's Magic Aura
You craft an illusion to deceive others about the target’s true magical properties.
Choose one or both of the following effects. When cast upon the same target with the same effect for 30 successive days, it lasts until it is dispelled.
False Aura: A magical target appears nonmagical, a nonmagical target appears magical, or you change a target’s magical aura so that it appears to belong to a school of magic of your choosing. Additionally, you can choose to make the false magic apparent to any creature that handles the item.
Astral Projection
Astral Projection
Until the spell ends, the targets leave their material bodies (
You employ sheer force of will to make reality question the existence of a nearby creature, causing them to warp visibly in front of you.
Until the spell ends, a target native to your current plane is banished to a harmless demiplane and incapacitated. At the end of the duration the target reappears in the space it left (or the nearest unoccupied space). A target native to a different plane is instead banished to its native plane.
Battlecry Ballad
Battlecry Ballad
You fill your allies with a thirst for glory and battle using your triumphant rallying cry.
Blood-Writ Bargain
Blood-Writ Bargain
This spell creates a pact which is enforced by celestial or fiendish forces. You and another willing creature commit to a mutual agreement, clearly declaring your parts of the agreement during the casting.
Circular Breathing
Circular Breathing
You begin carefully regulating your breath so that you can continue playing longer or keep breathing longer in adverse conditions.
You weave raw magic into a mundane physical object no larger than a 5-foot cube. The object must be of a form and material you have seen before. Using the object as a material component for another spell causes that spell to fail.
The spell’s duration is determined by the object’s material. An object composed of multiple materials uses the shortest duration.
Table: Creation