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Inflict Paranoia

Inflict Paranoia

-level (

You magically shatter your enemies’ comradery. Each target that fails has disadvantage on saving throws against being frightened and will not directly support an ally. For example, they will continue to fight, but not cast enhancement or healing spells on their allies, share resources with them, provide cover, or use the Help action. If a creature is already supporting an ally in this way, such as concentrating on a spell, it will immediately stop. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the spell’s effects on it on a successful save.

Compulsive Urge

Compulsive Urge

-level (

Choose a behavior and a condition that triggers it. The behavior can’t include an Attack action, must be simple enough to describe in a single sentence, and can be performed in 1 minute, and the trigger must be something the target can see or hear. For example, you may choose a behavior where the target must buy every faberge egg it sees. When your trigger condition is met, the target must make a saving throw or act out the behavior. If it succeeds on the save, the creature is immune to the effects of the spell for 1 hour.



-level (

You grant a creature supernatural vigor that keeps it awake.

This spell may be cast as a ritual

Sufferer's Pact

Sufferer's Pact

-level (

You burn away weakness to reveal inner strength. The target takes 4d8 force damage. Then, at the start of each of its turns, it gains 2d8 temporary hit points.

Inner Solace

Inner Solace

-level (

You turn a creature’s exhaustion into a well of inner strength.

Gate from Beyond

Gate from Beyond

-level (

You rend the veil to create a short-range portal from your location to any place you can see, visualize, or describe by stating distance and direction such as 200 feet straight downward or 400 feet upward at a 30-degree angle to the southeast.



-level (

You imbue the target with a preternatural understanding of stone. The target gains tremorsense out to a distance of 60 feet.

Invisible Object

Invisible Object

-level (

A Medium or smaller object becomes

This spell may be cast as a ritual

Map Marker

Map Marker

-level (

When casting this spell, touch a map. If you cast the spell in territory not depicted on the map, the spell fails. If you are in territory depicted on the map, your position is marked by a small glowing spot on the map. The spot continues to move with your position on it, updating once per minute. If you enter territory not marked on the map, the spell ends.