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Charm Crowd

Charm Crowd

-level (

You only require line of sight to a target (not line of effect) and it has advantage on its saving throw if you or your companions are fighting it. Until the spell ends, each target is charmed by you and friendly towards you. You can choose to instead designate another creature within range that the crowd is friendly towards. Anything harmful done to a target by you or an ally ends the effect on that creature. A target knows it was charmed by you when it is no longer affected by the spell.



-level (

The target moves up to 10 feet in a direction you choose, stopping short of any ledges or other dangerous hazards, or if it collides with another creature, object, or an obstacle, such as a wall or door. This movement does not provoke opportunity attacks. At the end of its movement, the target falls prone, taking 2d6 bludgeoning damage if it collides with an obstacle. If it collides with another creature or object, the damage is split between them.

Dancing Feet

Dancing Feet

-level (

You cause a musical chord to play and creatures in the area have a sudden urge to dance.

Sufferer's Pact

Sufferer's Pact

-level (

You burn away weakness to reveal inner strength. The target takes 4d8 force damage. Then, at the start of each of its turns, it gains 2d8 temporary hit points.

Inner Solace

Inner Solace

-level (

You turn a creature’s exhaustion into a well of inner strength.

Fatigued Bargain

Fatigued Bargain

-level (

Your magic suppresses a creature’s inhibitions, urging out its own self-destructive strength.

Consume Vigor

Consume Vigor

-level (

You rend the lifeforce from a creature to sustain yourself. The target of this spell takes 6d8 necrotic damage.

Void Maw

Void Maw

-level (

You reach out into the perilous void to create an orb of hungry shadows, making a ranged spell attack that deals 1d6 necrotic damage. Inanimate corpses and Tiny or smaller nonmagical objects hit by this spell disintegrate into nothing. If this spell kills a creature, the corpse disintegrates into nothing.



-level (

You imagine a creature you can see within range in a deconstructed and simplified form.