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Casting Time
Plaster, stone, or wooden surface
sesame seeds
1 hour

Until the spell ends, you create a passage extending into the target surface. When creating the passage you define its dimensions, as long as they do not exceed 5 feet in width, 8 feet in height, or 20 feet in depth. The appearance of the passage has no effect on the stability of the surrounding environment. 

Any creatures or objects within the passage when the spell ends are expelled without harm into unoccupied spaces near where the spell was cast.

Rare Versions

Ravjahani’s Trapped Passwall. Within a number of rounds equal to your proficiency bonus, the passage left by this spell (which can be as minimal as an inch depression) becomes trapped. Choose one of the following.

Slippy. One side of the passage is covered in slippery soap. When a creature enters the passage’s area or first moves through the area on a turn it must make a Dexterity saving throw or fall prone .

Sticky. Goo covers one side of the passage, making it difficult terrain

Subtle. An illusion covers the passage making it appear as if nothing has happened to the target surface. The illusion does not hold up to physical inspection. A creature that tries to push against the illusion, for example, instead passes straight through the figment. To see through your illusion without such an inspection, a creature must use its action to make an Investigation check against your spell save DC.