Charging Shield
While many warriors proudly adhere to a code of conduct or sense of honor, seadogs want no part of it. Unpredictable and wiley, such fighters know they must use any means at their disposal they want to win—and they want to win.
Adaptable Combatant
At 3rd level, you are dangerously unpredictable. You can perform a maneuver that you are not proficient with, spending double its exertion cost to do so. The chosen maneuver must be of a degree you are able to learn. Once you have used this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, you can’t do so again until you finish a long rest .
When you reach 10th level in this class, you regain uses of this feature once per short or long rest, and at 18th level you only need to spend the original cost of the maneuver.
In addition, where the environment would limit your ability to use weapons (such as underwater fighting), you ignore such restrictions if you have been in the environment (or similar circumstances, as decided by the Narrator) for at least 10 minutes.
Adaptive Traditions
Also at 3rd level, you gain proficiency in one of the following combat traditions of your choice: Mirror’s Glint, Tooth and Claw, or Rapid Current. When you gain this feature you can choose one of the maneuvers you know and replace it with another maneuver of the same degree or lower from your newly chosen combat tradition.
Sand in the Eyes
At 7th level, when you would provoke an opportunity attack from a creature you can see, you can spend 1 exertion point to force the creature to make the attack at disadvantage . Additionally, until the end of your next turn, attacks made against the creature by you or allies within 10 feet gain an expertise die .
Ever More Adaptable
At 10th level, you’ve dabbled in multiple kinds of combat. You gain an additional fighting style from the following list: Dueling, Technical Fighting, Thrown Weapon Fighting, Two-Weapon Fighting, and Unarmed Fighting. At the end of each long rest you can switch out the chosen Fighting Style for a different Fighting Style from this list.
Hard to Catch
At 15th level, when an opponent scores a critical hit against you, you can use your reaction to spend an exertion point and immediately move up to your Speed. This movement does not provoke opportunity attacks . Additionally, until the end of your next turn all subsequent attacks against you are made with disadvantage .
At 18th level, you’ve become adept at making your blows count. Whenever you take the attack action and are able to make multiple melee weapon attacks, you can forgo all of those attacks except for one, which you make with advantage . If this attack hits it becomes a critical hit.