Queen Bee
Troll Slayer
While many adhere to tradition and believe their destiny is set, a defiant knows better. Destiny is power, fate is a tool, and there is no reason to allow it to run unchecked—or to let someone else decide it for you. This newfound resilience in the face of fate allows these berserkers to defy odds and do the impossible.
Impervious to Fate
Starting at 3rd level, you become especially resistant against fate-alteration magic. You have advantage on saving throws against divination spells and effects, as well as immunity to any effect that would force you to reroll a die, though you may choose to accept beneficial rerolls.
This feature does not apply to rolling with disadvantage , as that calls for 2 separate rolls.
Against All Odds
Also at 3rd level, you can perform at your best even when you are at your worst. When you have disadvantage on ability checks or saving throws , you gain an expertise die . When you have disadvantage on an attack roll, you add your proficiency bonus to damage.
Whenever you have disadvantage on any die roll, you can spend 2 exertion to break the shackles of fate and roll normally instead.
Starting at 11th level you can instead spend 4 exertion to turn the disadvantage into advantage . Additionally, whenever you roll with advantage or disadvantage and roll the same result on both die, you become emboldened. Until the end of your next turn, your next weapon attack deals an additional damage die.
Impossible Blow
Starting at 6th level, your efficacy cannot be denied. While you are raging, you can spend 1 exertion when you deal damage. If the target is immune to this damage, it takes damage as though it were resistant instead. If the target is already resistant to this damage, it suffers normal damage.
Break The Unbreakable
Starting at 10th level, after you deal damage with a melee weapon to mundane objects or structures of Large size or smaller, roll a d20. On a roll of 15 or more, that object or structure is destroyed.
Additionally, when you attack an object or structure that can only be damaged by specific means (such as a forcecage ), you can spend 2 exertion to have your melee weapon attack count as that specific mean.
Unfettered Stride
Starting at 14th level, you are so adept at imposing your will upon fate that you can turn a deathblow into a relentless assault. After you reduce a creature to 0 hit points, you can spend 1 exertion as a reaction to move up to your speed and make a melee weapon attack against another target. This attack deals an additional damage die.