Queen Bee
Troll Slayer
Whether they were the children of druids, unusually good with animals, or literally raised by bears, bear-bonded berserkers share a connection beyond words with their ursine companions.
Bear Companion
At 3rd, level, you gain an ursine animal companion. You learn the Beast Friend ranger knack with the following changes:
- This feature only applies to bears.
- Your animal companion uses the statistics of a black bear (without Multiattack).
- Your animal companion shares your initiative and takes its turn simultaneously with yours.
Whenever you roll initiative, and at the end of a rest, your bear companion gains temporary hit points of a number equal to your berserker level multiplied by your proficiency bonus. Additionally, as a bonus action on your turn, you can direct your bear companion to take an action on its turn, including making an attack. When you enter a rage, you can use the same bonus action to direct your bear companion.
Shared Rage
Also at 3rd level, whenever you enter or end a rage, your bear companion does as well on its own turn. While raging, it receives the same benefits you do, with the following changes:
- It adds your proficiency bonus to its attack and damage rolls in place of its own.
- It does not add your Rage Hit Points to its temporary hit points. Instead, whenever it deals damage it deals additional damage equal to your Rage Hit Points number.
Your bear cannot enter a rage if it has no temporary hit points, and ends its rage if it runs out of temporary hit points.
Ursine Defense
At 6th level, your bear companion’s training has notably improved its defenses. Choose one of the following.
Your bear companion gains the benefits off the Juggernaut battle defense feature, except it is not proficient with shields. However, armor for your bear companion must be specially made or extensively altered, usually costing twice the price of armor for a humanoid of the same size and adding an additional 10% to the crafter’s fee.
Your bear companion gains the benefits of the Rugged Defense battle defense feature, including the movement bonus, except it uses your ability modifiers to calculate its Armor Class (unless its own are higher) and does not benefit from a shield you are wielding.
Ursa Major
At 10th level, while you are both raging, when you take the Attack action you can forgo any number of attacks to instead direct your bear companion to make the same number of attacks as its action.
In addition, your bear companion grows larger and more powerful. It now treats its natural weapons as magical and uses the statistics of a brown bear . When you gain this feature, and whenever you gain a different bear companion, you may choose whether your bear companion is Medium or Large size.
Ursa Superior
At 14th level, while raging, your bear companion gains resistance to all damage types except psychic and makes all saving throws except Intelligence with advantage .