Tenebrous Stalker
Fantastic Fletcher
Monster Hunter
Skilled Survivalist
Tenebrous Stalker
Graduates of a training program originally developed by grimlock security specialists, tenebrous stalkers are the unquestioned lords of the darkness. Tenebrous stalkers learn to use darkness as both a tool and a weapon, wielding it to hide from their foes—and strike them down.
Pierce the Dark
At 3rd level, your senses sharpen to allow you to perceive your lightless environment. If you have the ability to see, you gain darkvision to a range of 120 feet and the ability to see through magical darkness. If you have blindsight, the range of your blindsight increases by 30 feet.
Embrace the Dark
Beginning at 7th level, you can enshroud yourself in darkness. As an action, you can activate your shroud of darkness. Your shroud remains active for 1 hour, until you fall unconscious , or until you use a bonus action to deactivate it. While your shroud is active, light within 30 feet decreases from bright light to dim light , from dim light to darkness , or from darkness to magical darkness. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, regaining all uses when you finish a long rest .
Wielding the Dark
Starting at 7th level, when you start your turn in an area of darkness or magical darkness, you gain a Darkness die, a d6. You can have only one Darkness die at a time. At any time, you can roll your Darkness die and apply the result to one of the following: your AC against one attack made by a creature you can see, an attack or damage roll you make with a weapon, or a Stealth skill check. You can apply your Darkness die even after making an attack roll or after the result of a creature’s attack roll is declared.
At 15th level, your Darkness die increases to a d8.
Dark Resolve
At 11th level, you gain proficiency in Wisdom saving throws .
Call the Dark
At 15th level, you can summon darkness at will. You can use a bonus action to cast the darkness spell without components. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, regaining all uses when you finish a long rest .