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Treetop Bridge

th tier (
(less than 1 hour)

High above the forest floor, a bridge with platforms zig-zags its way between several trees, ending with a ladder at either side.

Constructive Solution. Instead of navigating the bridge as-is, the group can spend time and resources to repair the bridges to ensure that they are safe. This takes 1 hour and 1d4 gold worth of materials.

Continued Utility. Roll 1d3 or choose one of the following for the group. 1 — the bridge is used to cross a shallow ravine (failure or critical failure damage type is bludgeoning), 2 — the bridge is used to make one’s way over an area of pit traps (failure or critical failure damage type is piercing), 3 — the bridge is used to travel over a patch of plants that throw up poisonous spores if disturbed (failure or critical failure damage type is poison). Walking along the ground with the second or third option triggers an immediate critical failure.

A successful Perception or Survival check for the second option or a Nature or Survival check for the third reveals these factors.

Dense Canopy. The tree foliage vines, and foliage here are exceptionally thick. Adventurers using a fly speed treat this area as difficult terrain .

Alternate Trait: Dense Undergrowth. The bushes and other low-growing plants are exceptionally thick here, rendering it difficult terrain .

Spell Solve. Use of fly or a similar magic (except for levitate ) counts as an automatic success for that adventurer.

Technical Eye. A successful Engineering check reveals the bridges are not well-maintained, but there are some parts more sound than others. By taking an additional hour, the adventurer can grant each party member advantage on checks to overcome this challenge by pointing out the safest route.


Possible Solutions

Each adventurer can choose to make either an Acrobatics or Athletics check as part of a group
check to cross the bridges.

Critical Failure. The bridge collapses with all the adventurers on it. The party loses 4 (1d4 + 2) Supply and each adventurer takes 11 (2d10) damage.

Failure. Each adventurer that fails takes 11 (2d10) damage.

Success. The party makes their way across the bridge and reach the ground on the other side.

Critical Success. The adventurers cross the bridge without issue and find something interesting on the other side. Roll on the Boons and Discoveries table.