Scrap Crafter
Synaptic Surgeon
Botanotechnicians follow a radical artificer movement, seeking to entirely replace the technology aspect of artificery with technobotany—the cultivation of plants that perform technological functions.
When you choose this archetype, every aspect of your artificery changes to become technobotanically themed. Aesthetically, all of your features become flora-derived. Mechanically, the following class features change:
Spell Inventions. Your spell inventions are now grown from magical seeds instead of mechanically engineered. These seeds may be planted and grown in soil or any organic material. When preparing new spell inventions, you do not expend gold, but the time to prepare a new spell invention increases to thirty minutes per invention. Your spell inventions otherwise function normally.
Spell List. You now use the druid spell list instead of the artificer spell list and they are all considered artificer spells for you for the purposes of class and archetype features. Choose new prepared spells from this list. Any existing spell inventions that utilized spells you do not now have access to cease functioning.
Schematics. When crafting a new schematic or magic item, you use Nature instead of Engineering. In addition, when creating a magic item using a schematic, you may replace any ingredients with flora of the same (or higher) price and rarity. The result is always obviously plant-based in nature, but otherwise functions exactly as the intended magic item would.
Reliable Spell Inventions. Creatures make a Nature check to use your spell inventions.
Magical Automaton. Your magical automaton has the plant creature type.
Working with your Narrator, you may use the above mechanical changes as guidelines to adapt other Artificer class features and knacks. Simple changes include using Nature rather than Engineering, replacing construct creature types with plant, and replacing minor gold costs with increased casting or creation times.
Botanotechnitian Spells
At 3rd level, you utilize part of your former training to augment your arsenal. When you prepare your spells, you can prepare certain spells and create spell inventions for them in addition to your normal number of prepared spells. These spells count as artificer spells for you, even if they aren’t on the druid spell list.
You create your archetype spell list from the artificer spell list. At 3rd level, choose two spells to count as your archetype spells. You may prepare these spells as spell inventions in addition to your normally prepared spells. Once chosen, your archetype spells can’t be changed.
You may choose two additional archetype spells at 5th, 9th, 13th, and 17th level.
Nature's Study
At 3rd level, you gain proficiency in herbalism kits and Nature, and you can always choose to use Intelligence with them. If you already have proficiency in either, you instead gain an expertise die . You may use an herbalism kit as a tool of artifice. As most botanotechnicians are introduced to their ideology first by druidic mentors, you also learn Druidic.
Natural Regrowth
At 5th level, you may encourage extra life into your fizzled spell inventions, restoring them to functionality over a short rest . You can restore a number of spell levels’ worth of inventions equal to half your artificer level, then must take a long rest before you can do this again.
Terraforming Pulse
At 9th level, as an action you may select a spell invention and create an aura that shapes the natural world around you. You may only have one aura active at a time. The aura’s radius is 10 feet × the spell level of the spell invention you chose and remains centered on the invention. When you create this aura, choose one of the following effects:
Easy Travels
The weather and land aids you and your companions. This aura lasts a number of hours equal to the spell’s level. You (and allies you choose) within the aura ignore nonmagical rough terrain, gain resistance to nonmagical damage from terrain and weather, and have advantage on checks to avoid or overcome nonmagical natural hazards. Depending on the terrain, the Narrator may rule that your party would be able
Hostile Territory
The very ground and weather turns against your foes. This aura lasts a number of rounds equal to the spell invention’s level. Creatures hostile to you treat the area within the aura as rough terrain and have disadvantage to avoid nonmagical natural hazards. They also suffer disadvantage on Perception checks
Tangling Thorns
Magical, thorny vines rise from the ground. This aura lasts a number of rounds equal to the spell invention’s level. As an action, you can create a 10-foot long tangle of briars at a point you can see within your aura. The tangle lasts the duration of your aura, or until you dismiss it as a bonus action or use this feature to create another tangle. When you create the tangle, you can make a melee spell attack against one target within 10 feet of it. On a hit, the target takes 2d6 force damage and 2d6 magical piercing damage, and it must make a Dexterity saving throw against your spell save DC. On a failure the target is restrained (escape DC equal to your spell save DC).
You may use this feature for free once per long rest . Each additional time you must roll a fizzle die for the spell invention you chose.
Grow Ally
At 15th level, as an action, you may plant a seed that immediately grows into a shambling mound , which is friendly to you and understands Druidic. In combat, it takes its turn after yours and acts to protect you unless you command it otherwise. You can direct it to take a specific action, including the Attack action, by using a bonus action on your turn. The shambling mound returns to mundane plant matter if you use this feature again or after an hour has passed. The shambling mound adds your proficiency bonus to its armor class and damage rolls and uses your spell attack modifier in place of its attack modifiers and your spell save DC in place of its save DCs. Its attacks count as magical for the purposes of of overcoming damage resistance or immunity.
You may use this feature for free once per long rest . You may use it additional times by selecting spell inventions with a combined spell level of 6 or higher and channeling their energy. When you do this, roll a a fizzle die for each as though you had used them.