Scrap Crafter
Synaptic Surgeon
Wandmaking is a prestigious profession and such craftsfolk generally approach their craft with dignity and perfectionism, leading quiet lives in respected shops. However, many artificers in the field take a more experimental tack with their work.
Wandmaker Spells
Starting at 3rd level, when you prepare your artificer spells you can prepare certain spells and create spell inventions for them in addition to your normal number of prepared spells. These spells count as artificer spells for you, even if they aren’t on the artificer spell list.
Table: Wandmaker Spells
3rd find familiar , identify
5th arcanist's magic aura , arcane lock
9th dispel magic , sending
13th private sanctum , secret chest
17th animate objects , geas
At 3rd level, you gain two schematics for wands or rods of your choice with a rarity of common or uncommon. At 5th level, you gain two schematics for a wand or rod, which may have a rarity of up to rare; and at 11th level you gain one schematic for a wand or rod with a rarity of up to very rare. You also have advantage on Engineering checks to create a schema for a wand or rod.
You may attune to up to three wands or rods of your own creation without having them count against the maximum number of magic items you may attune to and you can infuse 1 wand or rod each long rest without it counting towards your infusion limit. Only you can use this additional infused item.
Finally, whenever you create a spell invention you may have it take the form of a wand appropriate for a creature of your size, ignoring usual requirements on spell invention size and weight. Such wands are more fragile than typical inventions, however, and only have hit points equal to your artificer level.
Flick of the Wrist
Also at 3rd level, even once its purpose is fulfilled, you can coax some efficacy from a wand-shaped spell invention. Once a wand-shaped spell invention fizzles, you can use it to make a ranged spell attack with a range of 20 feet to deal 2d6 force damage. This damage increases by 2d6 when you reach 5th level, 11th level, and 17th level (maximum 8d6). You can make such attacks a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, regaining all expended uses on a long rest .
Magical Abundance
At 5th level, energy overflows into your creations. Once per long rest , as an action, you may restore charges to a held wand or rod, even if you did not create it. When you do this, roll your fizzle die and restore that many charges. This does not restore charges above the item’s maximum.
Additionally, your Intelligence modifier is added to damage inflicted by wands or rods of your creation or your spell wand-shaped inventions utilizing cantrips through a wand-shaped spell invention. If it would already add your Intelligence modifier, the modifier is doubled for the purposes of damage.
Wand Expert
At 9th level, when crafting a wand-shaped spell invention you can choose from the wizard spell list. This does not allow you to craft a spell invention for a spell of a level higher than you can cast. Additionally, when you make an spell attack with a wand-shaped spell invention, you gain an expertise die to spell attacks made with wand-shaped spell inventions.
Legendary Creator
At 15th level, select one legendary wand or rod. You gain a schematic for it. Only you may use it if you create this item using an infusion.