Scrap Crafter
Scrap Crafter
Synaptic Surgeon
A Scrap Crafter can see the machine waiting to be created within the pile of junk, and the possibilities within the humblest of tools. While they often lack formal training, no Scrap Crafter is ever truly without a weapon or a plan, and they’re often only a stolen set of armor and some loose wire away from a dangerous contraption belching lightning and fire.
Scrap Inventions
At 3rd level, you’ve learned how to create your spell inventions using practically nothing—and just how powerful they can be if you don’t care about silly things like “safety” or “consistency.”
You can create or replace new spell inventions at the cost of 1 silver worth of materials instead of 1 gold as normal. In addition, you can change your list of prepared spells and replace or create a number of spell inventions equal to half your proficiency modifier at the end of a short rest.
Whenever you create or replace a spell invention for a spell of 1st level or higher, you can craft it using your choice of one of the following scrap modifications:
An Extra Doohickey
You take the core bit and add another one, why not? If you would roll a number of dice while resolving spells cast through spell inventions with this scrap modification, roll 1 more of those dice and add it to the result. You can only increase 1 die roll in this way, and if the spell calls for multiple instances of rolling you may choose which one to increase.
Arcane Rifling Tube
You want the spell to go further? Put a bit of arcane rifling in a tube! Spells cast using a spell invention with this scrap modification have their range increased by 1 step (short increases to medium, medium increases to long). Long range spells have their range increased by 30 feet. This scrap modification has no effect on spells with a range of Self or Touch.
Big Ticking Timer
You work in a makeshift clock and a timer switch since maybe it’d be best not to stand near this one when it goes off. When you begin casting a spell through a spell invention with this scrap modification, choose the targets or area of effect as though you were casting it. However, the spell is delayed and will actually be cast at the beginning of your turn 1d4 rounds from now. The spell retains its original targets and area of effect, but does not require you to be in contact with the spell invention to cast. If the original targets are no longer within range or are otherwise invalid targets by the time the spell is cast, the spell fails. Regardless of the spell’s success, roll the fizzle die as normal.
Big Widgets
You take the most important parts of the invention and make them BIG. Your spell save DC is increased by 1 when using a spell invention with this scrap modification.
Convertization Whatchamacallit
You integrate a complicated widget that funnels all the power through a conversion sieve. When you make this scrap modification, choose a damage type. Any damage spells cast through your modified spell invention would deal is of the chosen damage type.
Exhaust Jet
Does your spell invention really need a huge compressed exhaust vent? Probably not, but man the blowback looks impressive. Whenever you cast a spell using a spell invention with this scrap modification, you are pushed 10 feet in any direction of your choice.
Why walk all the way over there when you can reach out and cast spells using a handy dandy extendo-arm? Spells you cast with a spell invention with this scrap modification that have a range of Touch instead have a range of 10 feet.
Face Shield
You build in some plating that helps protect you from the invention’s business end while you’re using it. Whenever you cast a spell using a spell invention with this scrap modification, your AC increases by 1 until the spell invention fizzles out, and you gain an expertise die to a Dexterity saving throws made to avoid damage from a failed fizzle die roll with this spell invention.
More Power!
You load up the spell invention with a dangerous amount of arcane power sources. Spells you cast using spell inventions with this scrap modification are always cast at 1 level above your current maximum spell level. When you roll the fizzle die for spells cast in this way, reduce the total by 1 (in addition to the normal reduction from using a scrap modification).
Sparky Coil Thingies
While ultimately unrelated to the main purpose of your spell invention, you can’t help but make it spark and sizzle. Whenever you cast a spell using a spell invention with this scrap modification, you and any other creatures within 5 feet must make a Dexterity saving throw . On a failed save creatures take 1d4 lightning damage times the spell’s level. Whenever you cast a spell using a spell invention with a scrap modification, reduce the fizzle die result by 1. In addition, scrap modified spell inventions do not merely fizzle out, they explode spectacularly.
Whenever a scrap modified spell invention fizzles out, any creature within 10 feet of it must make a Dexterity saving throw . On a failed save, creatures take an amount of damage equal to 1d6 times the spell’s level, of whatever damage type the spell invention would normally deal, or half as much on a successful one. Spell inventions that would not normally deal damage deal force damage instead.
Scrap Crafter Spells
Also at 3rd level, when you prepare your artificer spells you can prepare certain spells and create spell inventions for them in addition to your normal number of prepared spells. These spells count as artificer spells for you, even if they aren’t on the artificer spell list.
Table: Scrap Crafter Spells
3rd burning hands , grease
5th acid arrow , animal messenger (as a Tiny wind-up construct instead of a beast)
9th crushing haymaker , lightning bolt
13th fabricate , rage of the meek
17th antilife shell , creation
Inadvisable Chemistry
At 5th level, you’ve developed quick devices both unsafe to handle and of dubious purpose. You can create the following special items using your Tactical Chemistry feature:
Lightning Bomb. You can use an action to throw this tiny device, making a ranged weapon attack against a creature within 20 feet and treating the lightning bomb as an improvised weapon. The target makes a DC 14 Dexterity saving throw , taking 2d8 lightning damage on a failed save, or half as much on a successful one. Constructs make this saving throw at disadvantage , and creatures that fail this save by 5 or more are also stunned until the end of their next turn.
Rust Scraps. This collection of jagged and rusted remnants of other machines functions in the same way as caltrops, except the damage is increased to 2d4 piercing damage.
Speedy Graffiti. This collection of quick spraying paints and pigments can turn an empty wall into your canvas in moments. As an action, you can cover up to a 5-foot by 5-foot square of adjacent space in symbols, images, or words of your choice, though because of the medium all designs made in this way are typically crude or cartoonish. If you cover a creature in paint in this way, they make Stealth checks at disadvantage until it can be cleaned off, either through magic or by using an action with access to soap and water.
Squeaker Toy. You can place this tiny colorful device or throw it up to 20 feet as an action. Once deployed, it makes annoying noises (chosen by you on its creation) that are audible out to a range of 60 feet. It will continue making noise for up to 1 minute or until it is destroyed (AC 10, 1 hp).
Advanced Scrap Modifications
At 9th level you’ve learned that safety precautions are for chumps who don’t understand advanced technology. The following are added to your list of scrap modification options using your Scrap Inventions feature. These scrap modifications apply a –2 modifier to fizzle dice rolled for them, instead of –1 as normal for other scrap modifications.
Both is Good
Let’s get two modifications going at once, what’s the worst that could happen? Select and apply the effects of two different scrap modification options from the Scrap Inventions feature.
Double Trouble
Whatever the business end of your invention looks like, you slapped on another one to make it hopefully twice as effective. This scrap modification can only be applied to spell inventions with a range of short, medium, or long and that target one or more creatures. When you cast a spell using a spell invention with this scrap modification, you may choose up to one additional target of the spell.
Even More Power!
The spell invention is practically just a bunch of arcane power sources strapped together at this point, and boy does it pack a punch! Spells you cast using spell inventions with this scrap modification are always cast at 2 levels above your current maximum spell level, though this does not let you use a spell of a higher level than you can cast. When you roll the fizzle die for spells cast in this way, apply an additional –2 modifier to the total (in addition to the normal –2 modifier from using an advanced scrap modification).
Sawed-Off Spell
Wider and longer sprays are always better right? This scrap modification can only be applied to spell inventions that have an area of effect. When you cast a spell using a spell invention with this scrap modification, the size of the area of effect is doubled.
Shield Generator
You build in an arcane energy emitter to keep you safe while the device is in operation—or at least safe-ish. Whenever you cast a spell using a spell invention with this scrap modification, you gain the benefits of three-quarters cover until the start of your next turn.
Who Needs Instructions?
At 15th level, you’ve turned improvisation into an artform, and you’re pretty good at just winging it if you can get a good look at how something works. You can create schematics without having access to a magic item so long as you’ve been able to observe the magic item in use from no more than 30 feet away. The item crafting DC of schematics you create in this way is increased by 2.