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Whether home to a band of outlaws or the permanent base of an army, an encampment is found in the wilderness, often consisting of multiple small buildings, tents, and shelters.

Rural: An encampment is a rural stronghold.

Stronghold Feat: You gain an expertise die on ability checks made to hide in natural surroundings.

At Grade 2, you’ve learned to live off the land. When you gain Supply as the result of a journey activity, you gain 1 extra Supply.

At Grade 4, you are so familiar with living in the wilderness that you no longer require a haven in order to remove levels of fatigue and strife during a long rest .

At Grade 5, your familiarity with temporary structures is such that you can spend 1 hour to create a haven able to shelter a number of creatures equal to your proficiency bonus. You can’t use this feature again until after you finish a long rest.

Best Suited For: Berserker , fighter , ranger , rogue

Minimum Size: 1 acre feet (Grade 1)

Minimum Quality: Frugal

Followers Available: Healer, teamster, torchbearer