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Itinerant Cultural Gear

Itinerants are typically those with skilled or semi-skilled professions such as tradespeople, doctors, and spiritual guides like clergy. They tend to receive a warm welcome from the communities they travel to, but that welcome comes at least partially because they make active efforts to fit in.


Table: Itinerant Cultural Gear




Grooming kit

10 gp 1 lb.

Spiced candies

5 sp -

Traveling toolkit

base toolkit x2 base toolkit x1/2

Versatile clothing

5 gp 5 lbs.


Grooming Kit. This small leather or waxed canvas kit folds up for easy transport and contains a small bar of soap, some small scissors, a comb, a small mirror, a vial of perfume, and some other personal hygiene items. If the user has at least a gallon of clean water, they can clean themselves thoroughly, gaining an expertise die on Persuasion checks for the next two hours, or until something happens to make them less presentable.

Spiced Candies. Sold in packages of 5 pieces, these small hard candies are flavored with ingredients from a variety of far-flung locations. Their unusual flavor makes them excellent as ice-breakers and gifts among those of lower or middle income. At the Narrator’s discretion, gifting such candies grants you an expertise die on your next Persuasion check against the recipient. This bonus only applies once every 24 hours. This period may be longer or shorter, depending on the discretion of the Narrator. The candies do not readily spoil, but cannot be used as Supply .

Traveling Toolkit. All of the artisan toolkits have a traveling variety with collapsable or lightweight tools and especially efficient storage containers that are useful to traveling tradespeople. These toolkits have the same functionality as their normal counterparts, but weigh less and cost more.

Versatile Clothing. This comfortable, neutral-colored clothing has been designed to be worn in different ways, allowing the wearer to pass through the local population without attracting undue notice. When combined with local accessories, the wearer can easily pass as having purchased their clothing locally, though other details of their appearance may still cause them to attract attention.