Psychosomatic Encouragement
Psychosomatic Encouragement
You can uplift an ally’s spirits and boost their endurance.
Select a friendly target that can see, hear, feel, or otherwise sense your presence. You impart the target with temporary hit points equal to 1d6 + your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier (minimum 0).
Assess Defenses
Assess Defenses
A quick scan reveals weaknesses you can exploit.
You can use a bonus action to gain advantage on all attack rolls made during an Attack action you take on the same turn.
Thoughtful Assistance
Thoughtful Assistance
You have a level of awareness and the presence of mind to support an ally in need.
You take the Help action.
Elusive Maneuvering
Elusive Maneuvering
You are ever-present in the moment, allowing you to evade foes with ease.
You take the Dash or Disengage action (1 point) or the Dodge action (2 points) as a bonus action.
Always Prepared
Always Prepared
You are always looking for the right opportunity.
You take the Ready action as a bonus action.
Unstoppable Attack
Unstoppable Attack
Your attacks are ferocious enough that nothing can stop them.
Attacks you make with a starglaive bypass immunity to its damage until the start of your next turn.
Imbued Strike
Imbued Strike
You imbue your strike with additional psychic energy.
When you next hit a target with a starglaive before the start of your next turn, you deal an additional 2d6 psychic damage.
Quantum Slip
Quantum Slip
You use irregularities in the space-time continuum to continuously jink your ship, making it impossible to target you. Until the start of your next turn, when an attack would hit your starfighter, it misses instead, and when you would fail a saving throw, you succeed instead.
Trust Your Instincts
Trust Your Instincts
Dispensing with targeting systems and electronic aids, you focus your mind and make an attack out of pure instinct. Your next attack with a starfighter weapon before the start of your next turn automatically hits its target.
Knee Strike
Knee Strike
Abilities: Dexterity, Intelligence, Wisdom