Exalted Athlete
Arachnid Guardian
Durala Carao
Exalted Athlete
Ghostly Soul
Oaken Fist
Tranquil Master
Warrior Monk
For most adepts the path to perfection is a lonely one. While knowledge is shared in rodas and colosseums around the world, each journey is extremely personal. No companion can truly share an adept’s road except for the adept themself. However, this otherworldly dedication invites attention from supernatural beings. An exalted athlete utilizes divine boons to augment their already striking prowess.
Blessed Prowess
Starting at 3rd level, when you make a Strength, Dexterity or Constitution check, you can add your martial arts die. When you fail a Strength, Dexterity or Constitution saving throw you can use your reaction to spend 2 exertion and reroll.
Master Athlete
Starting at 6th level, you move through the world with a fluid grace few can match. Your jump distances double, you gain advantage on checks made to jump, a climb speed equal to your Speed, and a swim speed equal to your Speed.
In addition, once per long rest when you would gain a level of fatigue , you can choose not to gain that level of fatigue.
Sacred Boon
Starting at 11th level, when you perform specific acts of physical and martial prowess, you attract the attention of powerful otherworldly beings—entities that you can call upon for power. Choose three of the following benefits:
Boon of Death. The favor of gods of death falls upon you whenever you take a life. When you reduce a living creature to 0 hit points, you can use your reaction to spend 2 exertion and gain a number of temporary hit points equal to your martial arts die plus your proficiency bonus. In addition, you have advantage on death saving throws for 1 minute.
Boon of Hunting. When you succeed on a Survival check to Hunt and Gather, you find yourself under the favor of hunting gods and gather twice as much Supply.
Boon of Love. When you succeed on a Persuasion check against a creature indifferent to you, gods of love show you favor. You can spend 3 exertion to make an indifferent creature friendly towards you for 1 hour.
Boon of Speed. When you move more than your Speed during your turn, you find yourself under the favor of speed gods and can use your reaction to spend 2 exertion and take the Dodge action.
Boon of Tactics. When you make an opportunity attack against a creature, gods of battle show you favor. You can spend 2 exertion to gain advantage on the opportunity attack .
Boon of War. When you score a critical hit against a creature, you find yourself under the favor of war gods and can use your reaction to spend 2 exertion and acquire this boon. Your next successful melee weapon attack deals additional damage equal to your martial arts die plus your proficiency bonus.
Eternal Favor
At 17th level, the gods that watch over you grant you a token of their appreciation. This commonly takes the place of a gold medal, but it can be any other trinket of similar size. While you are wearing the item, you are immune to the blinded , deafened , fatigue , and poisoned conditions. In addition, you can spend 1 exertion to use your Blessed Prowess feature on any ability check and you don’t need to spend exertion to call upon Sacred Boons. Finally, when you roll initiative and are wearing your Eternal Favor, you roll your martial arts die and regain that much exertion. If your Eternal Favor is destroyed, the gods bestow another token upon you after you complete an arduous task to prove you are still worthy.