Axis Slayer | Blinkwitch | Decomposer
Guardian | Shade Collector | Skinchanger
Steel Renegade | Stormwalker | Treespeaker
All things die, and all death begets life. This is the simple creed of decomposers, who find beauty in decay. Sometimes scorned by common folk as “filth witches,” decomposers adapt to urban environments far more capably than most other druids. In some cases, decomposers are benign, settling into the hidden cracks of the city and making use of what others throw away. Other decomposers are more hostile, behaving like parasites and decaying the city from within.
Life at the Bottom
At 2nd level, you are immune to ingested poisons . This also allows you to eat and drink spoiled provisions without consequence. In addition, whenever you would make a Survival check to forage, you can make the check with advantage . If you do, any food you find is rotting and spoiled, making it inedible for most creatures.
In the Cracks
Also at 2nd level, you can use a bonus action to assume a wild shape. In addition, you gain an additional form you can assume using your Wild Shape feature: a Medium swarm of Tiny beasts. When you adopt this form, you don’t gain temporary hit points, and while in this form you can’t gain hit points or temporary hit points. In this form, you can move through other creature’s spaces and pass through any space a Tiny creature could without squeezing. The only actions you can take while in this form are the Dash, Disengage, or Dodge actions. Your game statistics are unchanged, except for one of the following benefits, which you choose when you shift:
- You have resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage.
- You don’t provoke opportunity attacks when moving out of a creature’s reach.
- You have a climb speed equal to your Speed, and you can walk on walls and upside down on ceilings.
- You have a fly speed equal to your Speed.
- When you enter a creature’s space for the first time on a turn, that creature must make a Dexterity saving throw against your spell save DC, taking piercing damage equal to your level + your Wisdom modifier on a failure, or half damage on a success.
If you revert to your normal form before 1 minute has passed, you regain the use of Wild Shape you expended to take this form.
Decomposing Touch
At 6th level, you learn to use your unique connection to the cycle of death and rebirth to your advantage. While in your normal form or swarm form, you can use an action to touch the corpse of a Medium or larger creature that has been dead for 10 days or less and magically regain one expended spell slot. The spell slot you regain can’t be higher than 5th level or half your character level, whichever is lower. When you use this ability, the corpse you touch rapidly decomposes and becomes unrecognizable. You can’t use this feature again until you finish a short or long rest .
At 10th level, you can repurpose disease as a tool of decomposition. When you would contract a nonmagical disease, you can choose to become a carrier of the disease instead. You can be a carrier of only one disease at a time. While you are a carrier of a disease, the disease does not affect you, but it remains dormant in your system. When you touch a bloodied creature or hit it with a melee weapon attack, you can force the creature to make a Constitution saving throw against your spell save DC. On a failure, the creature contracts the disease you carry.
Additionally, you always have the contagion spell prepared, and you can cast it without expending a spell slot. Once you’ve cast contagion in this way, you must finish a long rest before you can do so again. When you cast contagion, you can choose to spread the disease you’re carrying, instead of one of the diseases presented in the spell’s description.
Vermin Master
At 14th level, adopting swarm form no longer expends a use of your Wild Shape, and you gain all the listed benefits, instead of choosing one. Additionally, you can cast spells while in swarm form even if they don’t have a range of Touch or Self.