Axis Slayer | Blinkwitch | Decomposer
Guardian | Shade Collector | Skinchanger
Steel Renegade | Stormwalker | Treespeaker
Guardian circles seek to achieve balance between civilization and nature, and consequently have the most contact with non-druids. They’re also often the first to find and teach those who discover druidic magic naturally, and when their powers are discovered they’re brought into the circle to advance their craft. Guardian druids protect the world’s forgotten reverent places and the convergences of leylines where the lattice is thin and nature’s power is tantalizingly within reach. But they also guard life, which includes creatures both wild and civil. Fledgling towns everywhere owe their livelihoods to a kind guardian druid’s boon to their harvest, and many lives are owed to their protector’s herbal remedies.
Advanced Druidcraft
At 2nd level you learn to delve deep into druidic magic and your mastery of druidcraft is unparalleled. When you cast the druidcraft cantrip you can choose from the following effects:
- You can magically convey a simple concept to a beast or plant.
- You can alter the weather within a 10 foot range of yourself by one degree of precipitation, temperature, or wind as per the spell control weather. This alteration lasts until the surrounding weather conditions change or you cast druidcraft again.
- Stabilize a dying creature.
At 2nd level you’ve picked up the subtle art of tricking people with common sense. You gain proficiency with Persuasion (if you already have proficiency with Persuasion you instead gain an expertise die ) and you may always use Wisdom when making Persuasion checks.
Hedge Herbalism
Also at 2nd level you gain extensive herbal knowledge and training. You gain an expertise die on checks made with an herbalism kit and you may harvest in areas with even scant flora that are otherwise barren.
In addition, you can use a bonus action to drink or administer medicinal items such as potions and remedies.
Druidic Tradition
At 6th level you master a technique passed down through countless generations of druids. Choose one of the following:
Harvest Boon
You learn the druidic rituals of vitality that have ensured generations of bountiful harvests. You always have the spell plant growth prepared and it doesn’t count against the number of spells you can prepare each day. You may also cast plant growth without expending a spell slot when casting the spell using the Enlarged option.
Traditional Spells
Your circle has practiced and perfected several spells that you have memorized by rote. When you first gain this feature, select 3 spells from the Air, Beasts, Earth, Healing, Nature, Plants, Terrain, Water, or Weather schools as your traditional spells. You may select up to two additional traditional spells from those schools at your 7th, 9th, and 11th druid levels. You always have your traditional spells prepared and they don't count against the number of spells you can prepare each day. If you select a spell that doesn’t appear on the druid spell list, the spell is a druid spell for you.
Transfer Vitality
You’ve learned to conduct natural vitality into a healing force. You may expend a use of Wild Shape to cast cure wounds at a spell level equal to 1/3 your druid level.
In addition, when you restore a creature’s hit points, you may choose to restore twice as many hit points as normal. Once you restore hit points in this way you cannot do so again until you finish a long rest.
Community Symbol
At 10th level your favored form has become a bolstering symbol for those around you. When you first gain this feature select a wild shape you know. While you are in your chosen wild shape, any attack or saving throw made by an ally within 30 feet gains an expertise die .
Take Root
At 14th level you’ve learned how to ingratiate yourself into a community or tie yourself to the magic of the land. As a series of rituals requiring 24 hours of uninterrupted work, you can take root in a specific community such as a village, city, or commune, or a place of magical importance such as a temple, revered grove, or convergence of leylines. You may cast the spell transport via plants to travel to the place you’ve taken root without expending a spell slot. In addition, while within a mile of the place you’ve taken root, you may cast the spell tree stride without expending a spell slot.
These effects end when you attempt to take root in a new location.