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Vanguard savants have the training to engage in a fight directly.

They employ tactics to disrupt their enemies’ normal strategies, forcing foes to battle on their back foot. And by knowing their ally’s talents, they can set up the perfect opening for a teammate to shine.

1st LevelBonus Proficiencies

When you choose this archetype at 1st level, you gain proficiency with light armor and four martial weapons, plus with either medium armor or shields or with one of the following skills: Arcana, Culture, Engineering, Investigation, Nature, Religion.

1st LevelThe Stage of Battle

At 1st level, your ingenuity in combat spans the whole battlefield. You can use flourish tricks on ranged attacks you make against creatures within 30 feet.

At 6th level, you can use flourish tricks on attacks at any range.

2nd LevelCoordinated Attack

At 2nd level, when you take the Attack action on your turn, you may forego one of your attacks. If you do, one ally within 30 feet can use its reaction to make one weapon attack.

2nd LevelBurst of Inspiration

Also at 2nd level, when an attack you make is a critical hit, you can immediately prepare a trick without needing to spend a bonus action. If you already have a trick prepared, you can replace it. If you have a flourish prepared, you may use it on this critical hit, before choosing to prepare a new trick.

6th LevelEngaging Footwork

At 6th level, when you hit a creature with a melee attack, you distract that foe through a mix of repartee and positioning, causing them to move in the direction you want. If they fail a Wisdom saving throw against your trick DC, until the end of your turn when you move, you can move them an equal distance, keeping them within your melee reach the whole time. Their movement doesn’t provoke opportunity attacks, and if you would move them into a space that would cause them damage, they can choose to stop outside it.

After you use this feature, you cannot use it against the same creature again until you finish a short rest .

11th LevelCombat Deduction

At 11th level, you can read your enemies like a book. You can use a bonus action to make an Intelligence (Investigation) check against the Maneuver DC of a creature you have spent at least one round observing in combat. If you succeed, choose three of the following items to learn about the creature: Armor Class, vulnerabilities , resistances , immunities , weakest saving throw , or highest ability score. At the narrator’s discretion, you might learn other pertinent details of its combat abilities.

After you use this feature on a creature, you cannot attempt it against the same creature until you finish a short or long rest .

14th LevelSeamless Teamwork

At 14th level, when you use Coordinated Attack, your ally does not need to use their reaction in order to make an attack.

17th LevelCheckmate

At 17th level, you can predict an enemy’s tactics with enough precision to thwart them with ease. When you successfully use Combat Deduction, until the end of your next turn you have advantage on attack rolls and saving throws made against that creature, and it has disadvantage on attack rolls and saving throws made against you.