Security Specialist
Security Specialist
Sometimes derisively referred to as “professional paranoids”, security specialists are trained to spot the vulnerabilities in buildings, organizations, security plans and even magical wards. Whether they ultimately do this to exploit those vulnerabilities, close them, or a mixture of both varies from specialist to specialist. In all cases, this can be hazardous to the specialist’s health and freedom, something they are very aware of.
Bonus Proficiencies
When you choose this archetype at 1st level, you gain proficiency with light armor, medium armor, and either shields or 4 martial or rare weapons of your choice. These weapons cannot have the heavy, versatile, or two-handed properties.
Scrutinize Defenses
At 1st level, whenever you enter a new, relatively self-contained location (as determined by the Narrator) such as a public square, the room of a dungeon or building, or similar environment, you may scrutinize it as an action. If you do, you can ask the narrator 1d4 questions of your choice from the following list.
- Where are the exits from this place?
- What cover and/or concealment exists here, if any?
- What is the most dangerous-looking creature in this location?
- What is the most hostile-looking creature in this location?
- If someone wanted to assault this location, where would they most likely attack?
- What environmental hazards exist here?
- Who here is armed?
- Who here is likely to know magic?
- Are there any unsafe-looking weaknesses in the structure or environment?
- Are there other sources of danger here?
You may also, if undisturbed, scrutinize a location for an uninterrupted minute and learn the answers to all of the questions above. Anything that has been deliberately hidden, such as hidden traps, doors shrouded by illusion, or creatures using Stealth is not revealed by this feature.
At 2nd level, you can spend 10 minutes examining a building from outside and learn the avenue of approach least likely to attract notice, the places where security (if any) is thickest, and any back or service entrances in regular use. You also gain advantage on your first Stealth check made to infiltrate such a building. This feature does not reveal anything that has been purposefully hidden or obfuscated, though the Narrator may allow you to make rolls to see through Stealth, illusion magic, and the like. Depending on the size and structure of the building, the Narrator may determine that this feature requires more or less time. A hovel may only take a minute, while a truly impressive fortress may require an hour’s worth of surveillance.
Coiled Spring
Also at 2nd level, if you are conscious, you are on guard. You gain an expertise die to initiative checks. Additionally, as long as you are not confused , grappled , incapacitated , paralyzed , petrified , slowed , stunned , or unconscious , you can always use your reaction to do one of the following:
- Draw a weapon.
- Equip a shield.
- Drop prone.
- Move up to 10 feet to a position that provides at least half cover .
- Shout a brief message.
Clever Eye
At 6th level, you can perform the Search action as a bonus action and you gain advantage on Investigation and Perception checks to locate creatures using Stealth, traps, and other hidden hazards. You can also always choose to use Intelligence on such checks, as well as on Sense Motive checks.
Uncanny Eye
At 11th level, you have have become such an expert on the intentions of sapient creatures that it’s as though you can read their mind. As an action, and as an action for a number of turns equal to your Intelligence modifier, you can attempt to discern the thoughts of one creature with an Intelligence score of at least 3 that you can see. The creature makes a Wisdom saving throw against your trick save DC. On a failure, you are aware of its surface thoughts as with the detect thoughts spell. On the next turn you can use an action to suss out its intentions. The creature makes a second Wisdom saving throw. On a successful save, the creature is largely inscrutable, though you can still read its surface thoughts. On a failure, you are able to know the creature’s motivations, emotional state, and something that looms large in its mind.
During this time, the creature can make a Wisdom saving throw to notice your attentions, contested by your trick save DC. On a success, it realizes your intent and this effect ends.
The concentration necessary for such focus is exhausting. Once you use this feature, you must finish a short or long rest before you can use it again.
Inescapable Gaze
At 14th level, your alertness has reached a truly superlative level. You can use an action to focus your senses and gain blindsight with a range of 30 feet for 1 minute. Such utter focus is mentally taxing, however. Once you use this feature, you must finish a short or long rest to use it again.
Leave No Trace
At 17th level, you have become nearly impossible to track down and leave trails of false evidence and fake identities to confound those who would do so. Any attempts to gather information about, identify, or track you suffer disadvantage . Additionally, these precautions mean you are hidden from divination magic and cannot be perceived by magical scrying sensors. By taking preparations that require a full 24 hours of work, you can extend these benefits to one other creature for a number of days equal to your Intelligence modifier. Due to the intense work on your part, you can only obscure one creature at a time and you can’t perform any journey or downtime activities for the duration of this effect.