Security Specialist
No matter what environment they find themselves in, Naturalists are always chasing after the most fascinating specimens and phenomena. By attending closely to the geography and ecology of the biomes they explore, Naturalists can readily adapt to an astounding array of conditions and environments, allowing them to discover wonders many others would overlook.
Bonus Proficiencies
When you choose this archetype at 1st level, you gain proficiency with Nature and one tool. You also gain proficiency in one of the following: light armor, Athletics, Animal Handling, Investigation, Medicine, Perception, Stealth, or Survival.
Academic Exemplar
At 1st, 11th, and 19th level, you gain an expertise die in Nature. For you, expertise dice in Nature can be upgraded from d8 to d12, exceeding the usual limit on expertise dice.
You also gain two specialties in Nature and an additional Nature specialty at 5th, 9th, 13th, and 17th level. You can always choose to use Intelligence on Nature checks.
Field Notes
At 2nd level, select three options from the druid’s secrets of nature and the ranger’s exploration knacks for which you meet the prerequisites (substitute your savant levels for any level prerequisites) and add them to your Field Notes. Whenever you finish a short or long rest , you may choose one entry in your Field Notes to benefit from until the end of your next short or long rest. If a secret of nature or exploration knack refers to Wisdom, substitute Intelligence, and add Nature to any reference to Survival.
You add an additional entry to your Field Notes at 4th level and every even savant level afterward. Whenever you would gain a clever scheme from the savant class, you can instead choose an entry from your Field Notes. The chosen entry does not count towards the number of Field Notes you can benefit from. If you do so, select a new entry for your Field Notes.
Ways of the Wild
Also at 2nd level, choose two from Animal Handling, Medicine, Perception, and Survival. You gain proficiency in the chosen skills. If you are already proficient, you instead gain an expertise die . You can always choose to use Intelligence when making checks with the chosen skills. You gain proficiency with an additional skill from this list at 6th level.
Hazardous Study
At 6th level, choose one of the following features:
Environmental Preparations
Whenever you complete a short or long rest , choose acid, cold, fire, lightning, poison, or thunder damage to prepare against. As a reaction, you can enact your preparations and gain resistance to that damage type for 1 hour. This does not stack with resistance of the same type gained from another source.
Your preparations only hold out for so long. Once you have used this feature twice, you must complete a short or long rest before you can use it again.
Dangerous Subjects
Whenever you complete a short or long rest , choose three from the following to prepare yourself for: aberrations, beasts, dragons, elementals, monstrosities, oozes, plants, or celestials, fey, and fiends that can’t speak a language, even if they can understand one or have telepathy (these three count as one choice). You gain a +1 to AC and saving throws against attacks or effects from the chosen creature types until your next short or long rest.
Nature Survey
At 11th level, you can spend 10 minutes analyzing your surroundings and gathering information on the area around you. You discover the following within 3 miles when you are outdoors or within 300 feet in natural underground settings:
- Terrain and bodies of water
- Common flora, fauna, minerals, and peoples
- Any unnatural creatures in the area
- The weather forecast for the next week (if you are above ground) or the presence of any uncommon ores or minerals ( if you are underground).
You cannot use this feature if you are in a heavily constructed area, such as a dungeon or town.
In addition, you can spend 1 minute sussing out the location of a specific kind of beast or plant. If the target is within 5 miles, this feature tells you its general direction (north, west, southeast, and so on) and how many miles away the closest example of the target currently is. You can also use it to locate a specific kind of creature of any of the creature types listed in the Dangerous Subjects feature with this feature, regardless of which Hazardous Study feature you chose, provided you have observed that type within 30 feet.
At the Narrator’s discretion, you may be able to locate a specific individual of these types if you have observed it thoroughly enough. If a specific creature you seek is in a different form (for example a dragon in humanoid form) you cannot find it in this way. If the creature has crossed running water more than 10 feet wide, you can follow its trail only to the edge of the water.
Adaptive Survival
At 14th level, you can choose the Hazardous Study feature you didn’t choose at 6th level or one of the following options:
Advanced Environmental Preparations
Prerequisite: Environmental Preparations
You can choose any damage type except for magical piercing, magical slashing, or magical bludgeoning damage for your Environmental Preparations feature. In addition, you can choose two resistances instead of one from Environmental Preparations and can use that feature an additional 2 times per short or long rest . You can benefit from both resistances at once. Finally, once per short or long rest you can take 10 minutes to change one of your resistance choices.
Informed Tactics
Prerequisite: Dangerous Subjects
You can choose an additional three creature types from the Dangerous Subjects feature. Additionally, when a creature you have chosen for the Dangerous Subjects feature attacks you and misses, or when you succeed on a saving throw against an effect it caused, you can use your reaction to either gain advantage on one weapon attack against it or impose disadvantage on one saving throw it makes against one of your tricks or maneuvers. This effect is available until you use it or until the end of your next turn.
Astounding Discovery
At 17th level, you gain one use of the savant’s Ultimate Schema feature per long rest , but you can only use it to replicate a druid spell of 7th-level or lower from the air, beasts, earth, healing, nature, plants, terrain, water, or weather schools.