Security Specialist
Whether they’re heading an imperial delegation, brokering deals between underworld factions, or simply trying to hold an adventuring party together, these savants all share a vast knowledge of different cultures and a knack for finding creative, peaceful solutions to conflicts.
Bonus Proficiencies
When you choose this archetype at 1st level, you gain proficiency with Culture, one language, and one of the following: light armor, Deception, History, Insight, Intimidation, Performance, Persuasion, or Religion.
Academic Exemplar
At 1st, 11th, and 19th level, you gain an expertise die in Culture. For you, expertise dice in Culture can be upgraded from d8 to d12, exceeding the usual limit on expertise dice. You also gain two specialties in Culture and an additional Culture specialty at 5th, 9th, 13th, and 17th level. You can always choose to use Intelligence on Culture checks.
Communication Style
At 2nd level, choose two from Deception, Insight, Intimidation, or Persuasion. You gain proficiency in the chosen skills. If you are already proficient, you instead gain an expertise die . You can always choose to use Intelligence when making checks with the chosen skills. You gain proficiency with an additional skill from this list at 6th level.
Mollifying Stance
Also at 2nd level, the very way you carry yourself urges nonviolence. Whenever you roll initiative, for a number of rounds equal to your Intelligence modifier creatures with an Intelligence of 6 or higher (and, at the Narrator’s discretion, any other creature it commands) that attack you must make an Intelligence saving throw against your trick DC. On a failure, the attacking creature must choose a different creature to attack or it loses the attack or spell. This spell doesn’t apply to area effects, such as an explosion.
This effect ends early when you attack or cast a spell that affects an enemy creature.
At 6th level, you can, as an action, try to calm your opponents. Spend an action to cause humanoids of your choice that can perceive you to make a Wisdom saving throw against your trick save DC. Targets that do not speak your language have advantage on the save, but they do not have advantage if you or your allies are fighting them.
On a failure, they (and, at the Narrator’s discretion, any creature they command) are non-hostile towards you and your allies if you were fighting them and friendly if not. However, they are not charmed and may become hostile again given proper provocation. Such creatures cannot be affected by your Peacemaker feature for 24 hours. This feature works on creatures that cannot be charmed and does not end your Mollifying Stance.
The focus required for this ability is taxing. Once you have used it twice, you must finish a short or long rest before you can do so again.
At 11th level, you have become intimately familiar with other ways of life. You gain the features and languages of an additional culture of your choice.
At 14th level, you gain an expertise die on Prestige checks, which you make at advantage , and your Prestige rating increases by half your proficiency bonus. When you use the optional rule, Calling in a Favor, your requests are completed in half the usual time. You also gain an additional Prestige center, which you can move by spending a week in the new location.
Master Ambassador
At 17th level, you gain two additional uses of the Peacemaker feature between rests . You can now use this feature to affect any creature that has an Intelligence of 6 or more (though at the Narrator’s discretion, less intelligent creatures may take their cues from more intelligent allies). You can also spend two uses of this ability to add +2 to your trick save DC.