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These sorcerers have a connection to the mightiest dragons, perhaps brought about by a draconic ancestor in their bloodlines, a close encounter with dragons when they were young, an occult experiment by a dragon cult, or some other draconic influence. 

Draconist Archetype Spells

1st level -  animal friendship , burning hands , charm person , thunderwave

3rd level -  alter self , gust of wind , scorching ray , shatter

5th level -  fear , fireball , fly , lightning bolt

7th level - dominate beast , ice storm , private sanctum , wall of fire

9th level - cone of cold , dominate person , insect plague , legend lore

1st LevelDraconic Resilience

The draconic magic that nestles within you has adapted your body to the harsh trials that lie between you and your destiny. Beginning at 1st level when you choose this archetype, your hit point maximum increases by 1, and increases by 1 again whenever you gain a level in this class. 

In addition, when you aren’t wearing armor, your AC equals 13 + your Dexterity modifier. How exactly this fortitude manifests on your body can vary widely, but unless actively concealed it marks your connection to dragonkind.

1st LevelVoice of the Dragon

Also at 1st level, you understand the language of dragons. You can speak, sign, read, and write Draconic. You have advantage on Charisma checks to communicate with dragons, so long as you converse with them in their native tongue. 

6th LevelLord Among Beasts and Mortals

As the mighty dragon guards its lair, so too do you establish your home wherever you roam. Starting at 6th level, when you start a short or long rest in an area that is not within 1 mile of an established settlement, you can spend 10 minutes in communion with the land to protect your camp until you finish your rest. Beasts who approach within 100 feet of your camp become docile and placid, refusing to attack you or your companions. Additionally, friendly creatures in your camp gain advantage on Perception checks to spot danger, and on Intimidation checks against intruders.

If you repeat this effect every day in the same location for a year, the range of the aura increases to 500 feet, and the effect becomes permanent. When you have a permanent lair, your Prestige increases by an amount equal to half your proficiency bonus. You can only have one location prepared in this way at a time, and it fades if you are ever away from your lair for a year or longer. If you die, the effect fades after 2d10 days.

14th LevelSoaring Wings

At 14th level, you gain the ability to sprout a pair of dragon wings from your back, gaining a flying speed equal to your Speed. You can create or dismiss these wings as a bonus action. You can’t manifest these wings while wearing armor unless the armor is made to accommodate them (increasing the armor’s cost by 50%), and clothing not made to accommodate your wings may be destroyed when you manifest them.

18th LevelDraconic Presence

Starting at 18th level, you can draw upon your draconic nature to inspire awe and terror in those who see you. You can use an action and spend 5 sorcery points to exude an aura of awe or fear (your choice) to a distance of 60 feet. For 1 minute, when a hostile creature starts its turn in this aura it makes a Wisdom saving throw or becomes charmed (if you chose awe) or frightened (if you chose fear) until the aura ends. An affected creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on a success. A creature that succeeds on the saving throw is immune to your Draconic Presence for 24 hours.