The magics of enigma sorcerers spring from something ancient and possibly alien, likely dating back to well before the sentient races learned to control arcana—and it can be especially erratic, often surprising even them. Sometimes their inner magical wellspring feels like it has its own personality and motives, and they may even try to negotiate with it in stressful situations where the sorcerer needs it to cooperate.
Enigma Archetype Spells
1st level - color spray , faerie fire , grease , hideous laughter
3rd level - blindness/deafness , enlarge/reduce , levitate , shatter
5th level - darklight , fear , hypnotic pattern , stinking cloud
7th level - black tentacles , confusion , hallucinatory terrain , phantasmal killer
9th level - cloudkill , flame strike , wall of force , wall of stone
Deeper Understanding
Beginning at 1st level when you choose this archetype, your ancient perspective of magic grants you a deep insight into its mechanisms, whether conscious or not. You gain an expertise die on ability checks made to identify spells being cast or sense the presence of lingering magic in any form.
Reach Beyond
Also at 1st level, your mind opens to a broader spectrum of magic than most. You can use a bonus action to attempt to replace one of your archetype spells. Declare which spell you’re trying to replace and make a Charisma saving throw (DC 10 + the spell’s level). On a success, you replace the spell with another archetype spell of the same or lower level until you finish a long rest , at which point the original spell returns. This newly-gained spell can’t be replaced again.
On a failure, the spell you’re attempting to replace goes off, expending no spell slots but targeting a creature or point within range of the Narrator’s choice (possibly yourself). The spell is too wild to alter with metamagic, and if it requires concentration it lasts its full duration with no concentration required instead. The archetype spell you attempted to replace is then removed from your spell list until you finish a long rest , at which point it returns.
Retributive Surge
At 6th level, your body becomes infused with chaotic magic that makes harming you a dangerous proposition. When a creature you can see damages you, you can use your reaction to cast a spell of 1st- or 2nd-level. The spell must either target the creature that damaged you or be centered on a space it occupies, it must have a casting time of 1 action or 1 bonus action, and you must spend sorcery points equal to the level of the spell in addition to the spell slot used.
At 14th and 18th level, the highest level of spell you can cast in this way increases by 1.
Tenuous Serenity
At 14th level, you can exert some control over your magics to empower yourself. When you make a Charisma saving throw , you can spend 1 sorcery point to add an expertise die to the roll, or reroll an expertise die used in the roll. You may do this after seeing the result.
Additionally, you can spend time in meditation to attempt to reclaim magics you’ve lost. When you finish a short rest , select a spell that’s been removed from your spell list by one of your class features. You reclaim the spell. You can’t perform this meditation again until you finish a long rest.
Erupting Nova
At 18th level, your ability to pour forth energy increases substantially. You can cast two spells simultaneously, spending spell slots for each, so long as both spells have a casting time of 1 action, the sum of their levels is less than 6th-level, and neither spell requires concentration . When you do so, make a Charisma saving throw (DC 12 + the sum of the spells’ levels). On a failure, you waste your action (but not any spell slots) and both spells are removed from your spell list until you finish a long rest .