Warders are fortunate enough to be infused with powerful protective magics down to the very core of their being. This might be the result of an ancestor who specialized in such magic or even a divine blessing put on them or their bloodline. Because their magic is defensive and protective in nature, warders often enjoy more respect and invoke less instinctive fear than other sorcerers, and find themselves sought after by nobility, royalty, and security forces even from young ages. This sometimes comes with unwelcome responsibilities and expectations, and more than one Warder has chosen a life of adventure simply to escape the demands of their home community.
Warder Archetype Spells
1st level - earth barrier , protection from evil and good , sanctuary , shield of faith
3rd level - arcane lock , force of will , protection from poison , see invisibility
5th level - beacon of hope , counterspell , glyph of warding , magic circle
7th level - banishment , death ward , mindshield , resilient sphere
9th level - antilife shell , dispel evil and good , wall of force , wall of stone
Intrinsic Calm
At 1st level, the powerful protective magics at your command make you hard to menace. You gain an expertise die on saving throws and opposed checks from effects that would cause you to be frightened or rattled .
Persistent Protection
Also at 1st level, the very air around you thrums with protective magic. As long as you are conscious and aren’t wearing armor, your AC equals 13 + your Dexterity modifier.
High-Quality Defenses
Beginning at 6th level, when you cast a spell that provides an AC bonus, cover, temporary hit points, or creates a barrier with hit points, you can spend a number of sorcery points equal to its slot level to enhance it in the following ways: if the spell provides an AC bonus, the bonus increases by an amount equal to half your proficiency bonus; if it provides cover, this cover increases by one step, from half cover to three-quarters or from three-quarters to full ; if the spell provides temporary hit points or creates a barrier that has hit points, these hit points increase by 50%.
Sympathetic Defense
At 14th level, when you cast an abjuration spell with a range of Self, you may spend sorcery points equal to the slot level of the spell to also cast it on one non-hostile creature within 10 feet of you. If the spell requires concentration , the effect disappears from both creatures if you lose concentration. You can use High-Quality Defenses in combination with this feature, but you must pay the sorcery point cost for both targets.
Living Citadel
At 18th level, whenever you cast a spell of the abjuration school, you may choose to gain resistance to all damage for a number of rounds equal to the spell’s slot level (minimum 1). If you do so, your speed is reduced to 0 for the duration. You can end this effect early as a reaction to gain immunity to one damage type of your choice until the beginning of your next turn. Once you have used this feature a number of times equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum once), you can’t do so again until you finish a long rest .