Annihilator sorcerers struggle to control destructive energies that thrum within them, but their own health is bolstered by nearby death and decay. Their existence is often invoked by philosophers and politicians as a reminder that annihilation has been delayed, not averted. Though people anywhere in the world can manifest these powers, many are invited to train in arcane academies.
Annihilator Archetype Spells
1st level - Bane , Corpse Explosion , False Life , Inflict Wounds
3rd level - Deadweight , Lemure Transformation , Ray of Enfeeblement , Shatter
5th level - Bestow Curse , Dispel Magic , Slow , Vampiric Touch
7th level - Blight , Confusion , Control Water , Ice Storm
9th level - Cloudkill , Cone of Cold , Contagion , Insect Plague
Things Fall Apart
At 1st level, your mere touch can cause objects to decay as if with a great passage of time, or simply shatter in an instant. You can spend an action to destroy a small object you are touching, and that no one else is touching. Most magic items, and some particularly resilient materials like adamantine are immune to this. The manner of the destruction varies – rot, erosion, fractures, rust – but generally cannot cause more damage than a person with a sledgehammer spending a round smashing away. This doesn’t let you break things faster than usual, it just avoids the need to have a tool or exert yourself.
Beginning at 2nd level, you can also focus this power on distant, massive objects by spending a sorcery point. If you spend a minute concentrating on an object you can see, you can cause it to fall apart in some way that would naturally be possible. The object must be something that has not been attended to by any sapient being for at least a year – something truly abandoned or wild, like a derelict house, a cliff edge upon which no one camps, or a wild drifting glacier – but can be as large as a hundred feet across. The destruction manifests over the course of a minute. This is seldom of use offensively, but serves as a terrifying display of the power that fuels you.
The Churn
Additionally, starting at 1st level, destruction and death in your presence cascades and feeds on itself.
At the end of each of your turns, if any creature was reduced to 0 hit points within 30 feet of you since the end of your last turn, you can choose another creature within that range, and deal 1d10 force damage to it. The force damage increases to 2d10 at 5th level, 3d10 at 11th level, and 4d10 at 17th level.
The range of this effect increases to 120 feet at 10th level.
Consuming Vortex
At 6th level, you can manifest the consuming power of the Gyre to draw creatures toward you or toward your magic.
When you cast a spell, you can choose either yourself, or a space within the area of the spell you are casting. Before your spell takes effect, creatures of your choice within 120 feet of that spot must make a Strength saving throw or be pulled 20 feet toward that spot. After you use this ability, you cannot use it again until you complete a long rest .
Unboil an Egg
At 14th level, your understanding of the nature of destruction gives you the ability to undo its damage.
You can spend 1 sorcery point to cast cure wounds , heightened to the highest level spell you can cast.
Alternatively, you can spend an action and concentrate on a damaged or destroyed object, then spend 1 sorcery point for every 30 feet across that object is. Over the course of a minute, you reverse the damage to the object, potentially restoring it to its prime. This requires concentration , and if your concentration fails, the restoration fails as well.
This cannot restore items that were consumed as a material component for a spell, nor things that were reshaped into new items. You can rebuild a shattered boat, but cannot cause the metal in a suit of armor to turn back into an ingot or into raw ore.
The Teeth of the Gyre
At 18th level, you can manifest the heart of the Gyre, which can destroy anything. You can spend a bonus action to create a sphere of annihilation within 5 feet of you, which lasts for one minute. This floating sphere of darkness is a 2-foot-diameter hole in reality that eliminates all matter that it comes into contact with. Only artifacts can survive contact with the sphere, though some artifacts have a specific weakness to its properties.
Anything that the sphere touches or that touches it that is not instantly obliterated takes 4d10 force damage. The default state of the sphere is stationary, but should a creature be in the way of a moving sphere it makes a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw or takes 4d10 force damage.
While within 60 feet of an uncontrolled sphere of annihilation, you can use an action to make a DC 25 Charisma (Arcana) check and take control of it. On a success, the sphere moves in the direction of your choice a number of feet equal to 5 × your Charisma modifier (minimum 5 feet). On a failure, the sphere moves 10 feet toward you instead. If a sphere is controlled by another creature, you may wrest away control by using an action and making a Charisma (Arcana) check opposed by the controlling creature. On a success, you take control of the sphere and can utilize it as normal. Other creatures attempting to influence it make Intelligence (Arcana) checks and the distance they can move it is based on their Intelligence modifier.
When you create the sphere, you can immediately move it as if you had controlled it, but afterward the sphere hovers in place unless you or another creature spend an action to try to control it.
A unique effect happens when a sphere comes into contact with a planar portal or extradimensional space (such as a portable hole ). In the case of such an event, the Narrator rolls d100 to determine what happens next: on 1–50 the sphere is destroyed, on 51–85 the sphere simply moves through the portal or into the space, and on 86–100 a rift forms that pulls in all creatures and objects within 180 feet. Each object and creature, including the sphere, reappears in a random plane of existence (or, at the Narrator’s discretion, in the Gyre).
After you use this feature, you cannot use it again until you complete a short or long rest .