Court Magician
Court Magician
Last Raven
Street Magician
As deft with politics as they are with magic, court magicians are a common sight in large cities and wealthy nations where they serve as learned scholars and trusted advisers. These wizards weave deals, prepare nobles, and subtly influence the workings of power through means both magical and mundane.
Learned Counsel
When you choose this archetype at 2nd level you gain two specialities from Arcana, Culture, Engineering, History, Nature, and Religion. These are academic specialties.
In addition, you learn the guidance cantrip, and you add spells to your spellbook for free (as per the Court Magician Expanded Spells table). You treat these spells as wizard spells. As you gain access to higher level wizard spell slots, you add more free spells to your spellbook.
Court Magician Expanded Spells
Cantrips: guidance
1st-level: heroism , speak with animals
2nd-level: calm emotions , enhance ability
3rd-level: speak with dead
Skilled Deceit
At 6th level your magic seems especially reasonable. Choose one of the following benefits.
Increased Efficacy
Choose one of the following schools of magic: communication, compulsion, fear, knowledge, law, obscurement. When casting a spell from the chosen school using a spell slot lower than your highest level spell slot, the spell counts as though you were casting it using a spell slot that is one level higher.
Preternaturally Persuasive
Choose one of the following schools of magic: communication, compulsion, fear, knowledge, law, obscurement. Your spell save DC is increased by 2 when casting a spell from the chosen school.
Stern Rebuke
At 10th level, you inflict mental harm upon a creature when it makes a saving throw against an enchantment or illusion spell you have cast. A creature that fails its saving throw takes an amount of psychic damage equal to your Intelligence modifier, twice as much psychic damage if it succeeds. A creature can only be damaged by your Stern Rebuke once every 24 hours.
Deceptive Mastery
At 14th level you have a firm grasp on the arts of trickery. Choose one of the following.
Takes One to Know One
You have advantage on saving throws made against enchantment spells and illusion spells.
Well-Worn Deception
You can cast an enchantment or illusion spell using a spell slot that is one or more levels lower by spending 1 favor point. For example, you could cast mislead (a 5th-level illusion spell) by using a 4th-level spell slot and 1 favor point or with a 3rd-level spell slot and 2 favor points. Once you have used this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, you cannot do so again until you finish a long rest .