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Using Existing Monsters

Most beasts, plants, many monstrosities, and even some undead creatures from the Monstrous Menagerie are appropriate for use and make excellent challenges for voidrunners. The list below contains a selection of non-spellcasting creatures which can be used without any changes.

Of course, if your universe contains magical and fantasy creatures, then the whole of the Monstrous Menagerie is a vital resource, and your voidrunners can battle dragons on alien planets and wizards on ancient space stations. Alternatively, magical creatures make for excellent ‘omnipotent’ beings or aliens with exotic powers–many science fiction franchises play with the idea of mythology as unexplained science. Perhaps lycanthropy is a known medical condition, a specter is a lingering psychic imprint, or ‘magic’ comes from another dimension.

Lore. Where a monster’s entry contains Arcana as a lore skill check, use Science instead.

Appearance. You may wish to alter a creature’s name or appearance from the standard Monstrous Menagerie entry–a T-rex may be some kind of fearsome alien lizard, and a wolf may have fangs and a hairless hide.

Magic vs. psionics. Magical abilities can be re-skinned as psionics.

Allosaurus (CR 3) Giant Scorpion (CR 3) Saber-Toothed Tiger (CR 2)
Ankheg (CR 2) Giant Wasp (CR ½) Sand Ray (CR 8)
Ankylosaurus (CR 3) Gibbering Mouther (CR 2) Sand Worm (CR 15)
Ape (CR ½) Gray Ooze (CR ½) Shambling Mound (CR 6)
Awakened Shrub (CR ¼) Grick (CR 2) Supermutant Rust Monster (CR 12)
Awakened Tree (CR 2) Ice Worm (CR 15) Swarm of Insects (CR ½)
Black Pudding (CR 4) Invisible Render (CR 8) Tarrasque (CR 30)
Bulette (CR 6) Iron Guardian (CR 14) Tentacle Tree (CR 5)
Cloaker (CR 8) Kech (CR 1) Thunderbird (CR 3)
Diplodocus (CR 7) Khalkos (CR (9) Tiger (CR 1)
Dire Centipede (CR 2) Lion (CR 1) Triceratops (CR 5)
Dire Wolf (CR 1) Mammoth (CR 6) Tyrannosaurus Rex (CR 8)
Elder Black Pudding (CR 8) Mirage Monster (CR 4) Ur-Otyugh (CR 10)
Elemental (CR 5) Ochre Jelly (CR 2) Violet Fungus (CR ¼)
Elephant (CR 4) Otyugh (CR 6) Wallflower (CR 2)
Flesh Guardian (CR 5) Pteranodon (CR ½) Will-o-Wisp (CR 2)
Gelatinous Wall (CR 7) Raptor (CR 1) Winter Wolf (CR 3)
Ghoul (CR 1) Remorhaz (CR 12) Wolf (CR ¼)
Giant Ape (CR 7) Rhinoceros (CR 2) Wyvern (CR 6)
Giant Grick (CR 6) Rock Dragon (CR 9) Yeti (CR 4)
Giant Elemental (CR 9) Rust Monster (CR ½) Zombie (CR ¼)