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Psionic Powers

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NAME Power Level Discipline Body Source
Adrenalize Reflex Kinesthetic

Your power makes the target more physically capable. The target gains an expertise die to one…

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Alter Matter IV Dynakinetic

You touch one unattended nonliving object no bigger than a 10-foot cube causing it to…

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Bend Space Reflex Translocation

You distort the fabric of space around you, making it appear that you are somewhere you are not…

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Binding I Telekinetic

The target creature makes a Strength saving throw. On a failure, it is restrained. At the end of…

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Block Psionics V General

You block psionic powers which would otherwise affect you. When you are the target of a psionic…

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Bolster Reflex Kinesthetic

The target gains one of the following benefits, chosen when you manifest this power:

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Boost of Speed II Kinesthetic

Until the end of your next turn, your Speed is doubled, you gain a +2 bonus to AC, you have…

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Borrowed Senses I Telepathic

You form a telepathic bond with the target and are able to sense the world through its senses…

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Clairaudience I Clairsentience

Choose a location within range which you have been to before. For the duration of the power, you…

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Clearsight III Clairsentience

The target gains truesight to a range of 60 feet.


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Cold Snap Reflex Dynakinetic

You harness the latent energies of the cosmos and direct them with your mind. The target takes…

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Combust I Dynakinetic

You harness the latent energies of the cosmos and direct them with your mind. The target takes…

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Contortion I Kinesthetic

When you attempt to move through a space one size smaller than your own, you can do so without…

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Crushing Psyche V Telepathic

You drop the full weight of your psychic consciousness upon a creature, erasing its identity…

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Cryogenic Conduit III Dynakinetic

Sheets of freezing cold blast outward from your hands in a 60-foot cone. Each creature in the…

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Danger Sense I Clairsentience

As a reaction to making a saving throw against an effect you’re aware of, you gain advantage on…

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Delay Inertia II Telekinetic

The target becomes immune to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage. Any damage that the…

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Displace I Translocation

You instantly teleport to an adjacent space you can see when targeted by an attack that you are…

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Drain Power IV General

Make a melee psionic attack against an adjacent creature. On a success you reduce that creature’…

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Emote Reflex Telepathic

You can covertly communicate simple concepts with the target via basic emotions, without needing…

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Empathic Sense Reflex Telepathic

You gain an expertise die on ability checks made to detect or identify hidden emotions, imminent…

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Enervate II General

You target a creature within range and overtax its psyche. The target makes an Intelligence…

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Enhance Mind Reflex Kinesthetic

The target gains an expertise die to one mental ability check (Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma…

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Exemplar IV Kinesthetic

You have advantage on ability checks, attacks, and saving throws and gain a number of temporary…

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Farsight Reflex Clairsentience

You can clearly see details of things at a distance as if they were nearby. Focus on a spot in…

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Flight III Telekinetic

You gain a flying speed of 30 feet. On subsequent turns, you can use a bonus action to increase…

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Floating Thought I Clairsentience

Grasping upon the air itself, you imbue a gust of wind with psychic energy. You are able to see…

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Fold Space V Translocation

The target, along with all creatures and objects contained therein, is instantly transported to…

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Force Field II Dynakinetic

You create an invisible forcefield at a point you choose. The forcefield is 1/4 inch thick and…

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Foresight II Clairsentience

You consider the implications of a specific course of action that you intend to take within the…

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Fortification V Kinesthetic

You fortify yourself with psychic energy. You gain resistance to all damage types, immunity to…

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Fortress of Iron Will V Dynakinetic

You can exert your will to manifest a floating safehouse to guard you and those under your…

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Future Vision V Clairsentience

You use future knowledge to avoid an attack or other effect. As a reaction, after the effects of…

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Gravitic Fling IV Telekinetic

You grab your target with the power of your mind and repeatedly smash it into the ground, the…

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Growth III Kinesthetic

Psychic power makes you taller and faster. Your size increases by one category and you gain an…

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Hinder II Telekinetic

Mundane objects (like rope, vines, blankets, or loose clothing) in a 20-foot square area…

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Horrifying Hallucination III Telepathic

You tap into the mind of the target to create a fearsome illusion so complete it can cause…

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Imbue Weapon Reflex Dynakinetic

The target weapon is imbued with psychic energy, bonding with your psionic strength. The weapon…

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Interjection I Telekinetic

Choose an unoccupied space within range between the source of a ranged attack and that attack’s…

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Intuition II Clairsentience

You spend time aligning yourself with the collective unconscious of the universe and gain an…

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Kinetic Barrage V Telekinetic

With immense psionic power you fling down a storm of psychic force that barrages a 20-foot…

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Levitation II Telekinetic

You hover at a height of up to 30 feet. You can maintain your levitation as long as you…

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Liquidity III Kinesthetic

Your movements are like flowing water. Your Armor Class increases by 2. You can spend 5 feet of…

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Make Energy Mote IV Dynakinetic

A mote of energy is imbued with your psychic power, manifesting into being and gaining a slice…

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Manifest Antimatter IV Dynakinetic

You target one creature or object within 30 feet and create antimatter in the same space. A…

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Mask Presence I Telepathic

You mask your presence from visible forms of detection, effectively rendering yourself invisible…

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Memory Control IV Telepathic

You steal or alter a creature’s thoughts or memories. The target has advantage on its saving…

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Mental Domination III Telepathic

You overpower your target’s mind, forcing it to do your bidding. The target makes a Wisdom…

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Mindsight IV Clairsentience

You can see and hear a specific creature in your mind’s eye as if you were near it. Your point…

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Mindsnare V Telepathic

The target makes a manifesting ability saving throw or its thoughts turn inward upon itself…

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