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Oxfolk are a tall, bovine-esque people with large, curving horns. Many have longer hair on their heads and about their shoulders and most have furry coats, the length and texture of which varies with the seasons, the climate they hail from, and their lineage. This fur is largely similar to that seen on oxen and domesticated cattle, with bands, splotches, and solid colors being equally common, though some might look more akin to bison, water buffalo, or yaks

While oxfolk are easily mistaken for minotaurs, scholars of both natural sciences and the divine have long ago concluded that this resemblance is strictly superficial, though there is still debate as to whether one god or another created them as a peaceable, straightforward counterbalance to the violent, maze-loving creatures of demonic origin. The oxfolk themselves have several origin stories, ranging from a nature goddess deeming the ox the wisest of all beasts and raising them to sapience as a reward to errant nature spirits choosing a bovinelooking form to explore the world through.

While there are always individual exceptions, most oxfolk tend to prefer calm and quiet environments with enough room that their large frames and wide horns pose no accidental risk to property or passersby. They are rarely seen 10 inside large cities, preferring the open terrain and a small town or even nomadic lifestyle and a communal atmosphere. Generally of quiet and gentle demeanor, they are slow to make friends but even slower to forget them. Their wrath, too, is slow to rouse, but usually quick to cool after a noisy confrontation.

Oxfolk Traits 

Characters with the oxfolk heritage share a variety of traits in common with one another.

Age. Oxfolk mature faster than humans, reaching adulthood around age 15, and age at a similar rate to humans

Size. Oxfolk are taller than humans, typically standing between 7 and 8 feet.

Speed.Your base walking speed is 30 feet

Goring Horns. You possess a pair of curving horns. These horns are natural weapons, which you can use to make unarmed strikes that deal piercing damage equal to 1d4 + your Strength modifier.

Heavy Lifter.  When determining your carrying capacity and the weight that you can push, drag, or lift, your size is considered to be Large.

Tough Hooves. You have a pair of cloven hooves instead of bare feet, meaning you cannot wear regular footwear such as boots and other shoes. However, your hooves are naturally hard and tough. You are immune to damage from sharp terrain hazards (such as caltrops, broken glass, or the spike growth spell) and ignore difficult terrain caused by then. Additionally, other kinds of difficult terrain reduce your movement speed by 5 feet instead of halving it.

Oxfolk Gifts 

In addition to the traits found in your oxfolk heritage, chose one of the following gifts.In addition to the traits found in your oxfolk heritage, chose one of the following gifts.In addition to the traits found in your oxfolk heritage, chose one of the following gifts.

Connected to the Land

In addition to the traits found in your oxfolk heritage, chose one of the following gifts.

Blessing of the Land. Choose a type of terrain that represents the land you are in tune with: arctic, desert, mountain, plains, or swamp. You know one cantrip based on this choice: ray of frost (arctic), produce flame (desert), resistance (mountains), druidcraft (plains), pestilence (swamp).

Terrain Attunement. You gain an expertise die on Perception, Nature and Survival checks while in the terrain you chose for Blessing of the Land. You also ignore naturally-occuring difficult terrain in that environment.

Pillar of Strength

You are particularly physically powerful and sturdy, even among oxfolk.

Powerful Stance. You gain an expertise die on saving throws  against the Shove, Knockdown, or Overrun maneuvers, as well as against any effect that would impose the prone  condition on you. You can also use the Knockdown or Shove basic maneuvers on creatures up to two size categories larger than you.

Resilient Hide. While you aren’t wearing armor, your AC equals 13 + your Dexterity modifier. You can use a shield and still gain this benefit.

Oxfolk Paragon

Starting at 10th level, you are an exemplar amongst your people. You gain the following traits:

Emissary of the Land

Choose one of the followings spells: find the path , move earth , wall of ice , or wall of thorns . You can cast the chosen spell once without any material components once per long rest . Your spellcasting ability for this spell is Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma (whichever is highest).

Long Horn

Your horns have grown to truly impressive size, allowing you to deal piercing damage equal to 1d8 + your Strength modifier. On a successful hit, the creature must roll a Strength saving throw against your maneuver DC. On a failure, you also deal basic melee damage and knock the target prone.

Tireless Endurance

Your body and mind have become highly resistant to physical toil and mental strain. Once per long rest , you can use an action to reduce your fatigue ] and strife levels by 1. Additionally, when you reduce your fatigue or strife with a long rest, you reduce each by 2 levels instead of 1, even if you are not at a safe haven.

Oxfolk Culture 

Oxfolk peoples tend to be divided between two main lifestyles: nomadic and sedentary. While each subgroup within them has its own characteristics, all share the main feature of a strong focus on family, a concept indistinguishable from tribe for the oxfolk; for them, a neighbor is as much family as a direct blood relative. Children are raised communally and are brought up as much by their vast network of honorary and literal aunts, uncles, cousins, and the like by as their immediate family

They rarely follow any large organized religions, instead being devoted to less powerful but more numerous pantheons of regional spirits and local fey creatures. A people with a heavy focus on tradition, leadership of the group almost always falls on the elders. Violence is widely avoided, and expulsion from the tribe is seen as a penalty worse than death; even the worst crimes are punished with exile. Whenever an oxfolk is seen living far from their own kind, a tragic event in the past is likely to have been the cause.

While their clothing, culture, and art are as diverse as any other heritage’s, oxfolk share a general inclination to horn decorating, ranging from delicate jewelry to jangling piercings to careful trimming and intricate carvings filled in with inks and dyes. Oxfolk youth, with their fastgrowing horns, are more given to experimentation, with the trend being that they eventually settle on an aesthetic as they age. Regardless of the individual expression, an oxfolk’s horns are an immense source of personal pride, and those exiled for the worst crimes are often also divested of their horns, which would otherwise connect them to the family they wronged.


Suggested Cultures

While you can choose any culture for your oxfolk character, the following cultures are linked closely to the heritage: keeper of the land , nomad , stoneworthy , villager .