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Mundane consumable items like food and water are simplified into a single item called Supply. When an adventurer gains access to food and water, they can add Supply to their inventory.

  • 1 Supply consists of enough combined food and water to sustain a Small- or Medium-sized creature for a day.
  • Large-sized creatures require 2 Supply each day. Creatures of Huge size or larger require an amount of Supply determined by the Narrator.
  • A creature can carry a number of Supply equal to its Strength score in addition to the rest of its gear. A Large-sized creature can carry Supply equal to twice its Strength score.
  • Whenever a creature takes a long rest , it must consume Supply. If it does not, it gains a level of fatigue .
  • At the Narrator’s discretion a beast can hunt, forage, or graze before taking a long rest, only requiring Supply if the region is not plentiful enough for it to do so.
  • Supply consumed while in another form (like while under the effects of a polymorphing spell or a druid’s wild shape) is wasted and provides no nourishment when a creature returns to its normal form.

When adventurers run out of Supply while journeying, they can access more in a few ways. Some journey activities allow adventurers to forage for more food and water. Boons and discoveries , which are common rewards for exploration challenges, may lead to more Supply. As a last resort, the party may need to take a detour to the nearest town, find a wandering merchant, or even abandon the journey and head home.

Purchasing Supply

Supply can be purchased in the form of iron rations at a cost of 5 silver for 1 Supply. Finer foods may cost more.

Lifting and Carrying

Lifting and Carrying

Your Strength score determines how much weight you can bear. The following terms define what you can lift or carry.

Carrying Capacity. Your carrying capacity is your Strength score multiplied by 15. This is the weight (in pounds) you can carry as you go about day-to-day business. If you exceed your carrying capacity, you are encumbered (see Conditions ).

Bulky Items . You can carry a number of bulky items equal to 1 + your Strength modifier (minimum 1). If you exceed this number, you are encumbered.

Supplies. You can carry a number of Supplies equal to your Strength score in addition to the rest of your gear.

Push, Drag, or Lift. You can push, drag, or lift a weight in pounds up to twice your carrying capacity (30 times your Strength score). While pushing or dragging weight in excess of your carrying capacity you are encumbered.

Size and Strength. Tiny creatures can’t carry much, while Larger creatures can carry more. A Tiny creature’s carrying capacity is halved and it can’t carry bulky objects. For each size category above Medium, Larger creatures double their carrying capacity, the number of bulky items they can carry, and the amount they can push, drag, or lift. A creature can only be considered a maximum of one size larger or smaller when determining how much Supply and weight it can carry.



Can a climber scale a crumbling cliff before it collapses? Can a thief pick a lock before the magical alarms go off? Can a halfling rogue recover the magic goblet and escape the dragon's lair before it wakes up?

A countdown takes place when there is an unknown time limit before something occurs. A deadly ritual might need to be dispelled, or a room might be filling up with poisonous gas.

The countdown is started by forming a pool of six-sided dice. The Narrator determines the size of that dice pool based on the circumstances.

At the start of each round, the dice pool is rolled. Any dice with a result of 6 are removed from the dice pool, and play continues. The countdown is not immutable: the Narrator might deem that certain actions during the scenario might add or remove a die from the countdown, and there will often be a way to stop it. However, sometimes a countdown cannot be stopped—the cliff is going to crumble, and you must reach the top before it does!

When the last die is removed from the dice pool the countdown expires.

Example Ability Check DCs

Example Ability Check DCs


10 Maneuver quickly through a light crowd; rappel safely down a rope

15 Do a standing flip; keep your balance in a sudden, strong earthquake

18 Balance along a tightrope; swing from a chandelier

20 Contort into a space too narrow for your body to fit through; escape basic shackles

Animal Handling

10 Calm a warhorse startled in battle; de-escalate aggressive urban wildlife

15 Calm a riding or draft horse startled by battle; de-escalate territorial wildlife

20 Earn the immediate trust of urban wildlife; drive a warhorse into extreme peril

22 Befriend hostile wildlife; drive an untrained mount into battle


10 Notice the telltale signs of a mage’s lab; pick out a spellbook among mundane tomes

15 Detect places of latent magical energy; recall an uncommon arcane method

18 Identify the purpose of an esoteric ritual circle; notice signs of planar disturbance

22 Wow an archmage with your expertise; recreate a complex ritual from memory


10 Climb a rock face with obvious hand and footholds; climb a secured rope

15 Climb a ship’s rigging in inclement weather; climb a cliffside

18 Jump from a moving carriage to another; stay on a horse as it makes a daring jump

20 Long jump while carrying a Medium or Small creature; climb an overhang


10 Conduct yourself appropriately in an unfamiliar culture; know commonplace traditions

15 Give a crash course on etiquette; express yourself without a shared language

18 Integrate seamlessly into exclusive circles; twist the law to escape reproach

22 Earn a comfortable living in an urban environment through nothing more than trading


10 Communicate a simple secret message to an ally

15 Decipher a simple cipher or code

Deception is usually contested by a creature’s passive Insight. The following modifiers are appropriate.

–2 Victim wants to believe the lie, as it’s convenient or beautiful

–2 Victim trusts the liar deeply and implicitly

+2 Victim stands to lose something from the lie

+4 Victim is undertaking serious risk by believing the lie

+10 Lie is far-fetched, and the victim would be a fool to take it at face value


10 Spot a dangerous structural instability; identify a weak point in a small construction

15 Determine if a building is condemned from outside; build a simple, single-purpose device

20 Identify a weak point in a grand construction such as a stone bridge; quickly synthesize a useful chemical compound from limited available resources

22 Assess the causes of long-past structural damage; rig a small structure to fall at a specific time


10 Recall famous legends about a specific region; remember the name of a famous hero

15 Assess the historical importance of an ancient artwork; identify long-lost heraldry

20 Know the childhood nickname of a famous noble; accurately recall an entire family’s genealogy dating back a century


Also see Deception.

10 Assess the mood of someone not hostile to you

15 Determine someone’s true opinion of you; learn someone’s current, most immediate desire

20 Understand the general meaning of someone speaking a language you don’t know


10 Push around someone you could take in a fight; force a battered opponent to surrender

15 Verbally rebuke someone who holds authority over you; demoralize foes stronger than you

20 Turn a threat back on someone more dangerous than you; demoralize a stronger foe while bloodied


10 Notice an old and frequently-used secret door; find out what inn someone’s staying at

15 Discern simple truths from a crime scene; find a specific passage in a daunting tome

18 Identify patterns of thieves’ cant in a town; determine how long ago a recent event took place

20 Get dangerous gossip on a well-known local; assemble a timeline of suspicious happenings going back as far as 6 months


10 Assess a broken bone or other obvious injury; stabilize a bleeding creature

15 Identify the cause of death on a recent corpse; diagnose early signs of a plague

18 Surgically remove a foreign object in a non-vital area; identify cause of death on an old corpse

20 Keep a maimed or dismembered creature alive; amputate an infected limb


10 Tell a poison berry from a safe one; identify contact-hazardous plants such as poison ivy

15 Intuit what kind of wildlife inhabits the surrounding environment; identify medicinal plants

18 Detect signs of fey crossing or other woodland spirits; predict weather up to 7 days in advance

20 Anticipate natural disasters from local animal behavior; assess the long-term health of a natural environment from a short examination


Also see Sleight of Hand and Stealth.

10 Spot a hunter’s trap before bumbling into it; notice signs of a recent campsite

15 Notice a well-concealed pressure plate; spot campfire smoke from a long distance

20 Detect the rumbling of a rockslide or avalanche before it’s too late; hear flowing water from a long distance


10 Earn room and board at a common inn; busk to impress passersby

15 Give a performance that catches the attention of a potential patron; show off for a minor noble

18 Draw a substantial crowd through busking; cause a massive distraction

20 Give a performance worthy of a lavish party; win over a wealthy patron


10 Persuade a shopkeeper to lower a price on common goods; talk your way past underpaid guards

15 Make fast friends at a social gathering; recruit someone’s aid for minimal rewards

18 Recruit someone untested into potential danger; inspire a demoralized and bloodied ally

22 Lead folks into imminent peril without fear; convince a noble to offer you a substantial loan with insufficient collateral


10 Recognize a holy symbol or important site at a glance

15 Sense the presence of a holy or unholy aura; identify signs of undead or fiends

20 Convert someone with strong beliefs to your faith; recognize the rituals of long-dead religions

Sleight of Hand

Sleight of Hand is often contested by the passive Perception of the creature you’re trying to trick.

10 Perform an amusing “magic trick”; palm or sleeve a coin

15 Make an object the size of a deck of cards “disappear”

18 Hide a dagger or similarly sized weapon on your person

25 Hide a shortsword or similarly sized weapon on your person


Stealth is almost always contested by the passive Perception of the creature you’re hiding from. The following modifiers are appropriate.

–2 The hider is wearing distinctive or bright garments

–2 The area is still and there’s little movement otherwise

+2 The hider is wearing common or subdued garments

+2 The area is active and there are distractions


10 Determine which way is north aboveground; light a campfire, predict the weather, identify common plants

15 Identify rare plants, determine whether food or water is safe to consume; determine which way is north belowground

20 Light a campfire in the driving rain; figure out the direction of the nearest natural water source

In addition, see the Journey rules in Trials and Treasures for more information on tracking. The following modifiers are appropriate.

–2 The quarry traveled on a commonly used path

–2 Firm ground with faint tracks

+2 Quarry used a new path or none at all

+2 Soft ground with distcint tracks

+2 The quarry is in a group of 6 or more

Feats and Multiclassing

Feats and Multiclassing

Feats are powerful abilities that transcend class features, granting your character extraordinary abilities. Narratively, feats may result from raw talent, divine imbuement, magical modification, extensive training, or the awakening of memories from a past life, but the mechanical benefits are identical. You may opt to take a feat in lieu of an attribute bonus whenever your class offers you one. Unless specifically stated, each feat may only be taken once. To select a feat, you must meet the requirements listed in the description. If for some reason you no longer meet a feat’s requirements, you lose access to the feat and any abilities it grants until you meet the requirement again.

Synergy Feats

Synergy Feats

Pursuing more than one class can sometimes open up new opportunities and strategies, or expose an adventurer to something that permanently changes them. At certain levels every class gives you the Ability Score Improvement feature and adventurers with certain class combinations may optionally choose unique Synergy Feats in place of their Ability Score Increases if they meet certain prerequisites. Most synergy feats require class levels in specific classes, or have other synergy feats as prerequisites forming small synergy feat trees. You can take each feat only once, unless the feat’s description says otherwise.


Prerequisites: 3 levels in fighter, 3 levels in wizard, Fighting Style (Two-Weapon Fighting)

Bladechanting is the art of unifying and maintaining intense physical and intellectual strains, allowing movement and thought to become one as a beautiful and deadly dance of blades.

If you wield a melee weapon in each hand, you may use them to perform seen spell components and as a spellcasting focus for wizard spells. In addition, whenever you are concentrating on a spell while using melee weapons as a spellcasting focus in this way, you enter a special trance-like state called bladechanting. If you lose concentration on your spell while bladechanting, you also stop bladechanting. While bladechanting you gain the following benefits:

  • While you are wearing no armor, light armor, or medium armor,  you gain a bonus to your Armor Class equal to your Intelligence modifier.
  • Whenever you would need to make a concentration check to maintain a spell due to taking damage, you may spend 2 exertion to automatically succeed.
  • When you hit a target with a melee weapon attack, you can use your reaction and choose a spell of 1st-level or higher, casting it through your weapon. The spell must have a casting time of 1 action, and target a single creature or have a range of Touch. If a spell cast in this way requires an attack roll and targets the same target as the triggering melee weapon attack, it also hits as part of that attack. You may choose not to deal damage with a melee weapon attack used to cast a spell.

Whirling Incantor

Prerequisites: Bladechanter feat

You train to move by thought and incant with your body’s flowing motion, becoming nearly unassailable as you whirl and dance, escaping fatal blows and seamlessly blending the lines between mind and body. While bladechanting you gain the following additional benefits:

  • Your Speed increases by 10 feet.
  • You gain a bonus to Dexterity checks and saving throws equal to your Intelligence modifier.
  • You gain a bonus to Intelligence checks and saving throws equal to your Dexterity modifier.
  • When you are targeted by an attack but before the attack is rolled, you may expend a spell slot to attempt a whirling arcane evasion. If you do, make a Dexterity saving throw and add a +2 bonus for every spell slot level above 1st spent this way. If this Dexterity saving throw exceeds the triggering attack roll the attack becomes a miss, and you may immediately move up to 10 feet in any direction. This movement does not provoke opportunity attacks .

Eldritch Whirlwind Master

Prerequisites: Whirling Incantor feat

With a blade’s sweep you pull and spin the arcane power, surrounding yourself in a cyclone of arcane energy as your spell's power tries to match the speed of your sword.

Whenever you use your reaction to cast a spell through a melee weapon attack using bladechanting, you may choose up to a number of additional targets for that spell equal to the spell level of the spell slot used to cast it. These additional targets must all be within 10 feet of you and are each treated as if they were the spell’s original target.

Eldritch Archer

Prerequisites: 3 levels in fighter, 3 levels in wizard, Fighting Style (Archery)

Eldritch archers combine the precision and skill of a fighter with the magical dedication of a wizard to perform otherwise impossible feats of archery and spellcasting. You gain the following benefits:

  • Whenever you make a ranged weapon attack you can choose to conjure magical ammunition and select one of the following damage types: acid, cold, fire, or lightning. Your ranged weapon attacks using this conjured ammunition deal the chosen damage type instead of whatever damage type they would normally deal, and are considered magical for the purpose of overcoming resistance and immunity to nonmagical attacks and damage. Ammunition conjured in this way disappears at the end of the turn it was fired. 
  • When you hit a target with a ranged weapon attack, you can use your reaction and choose a spell of 1st-level or higher, casting it through your ammunition. The spell must have a casting time of 1 action, and target a single creature or have a range of Touch. If a spell cast in this way requires an attack roll and targets the same target as the triggering ranged weapon attack, it also hits as part of that attack. You may choose not to deal damage with a ranged weapon attack used to cast a spell.

Arrow Enchanter

Prerequisites: Eldritch Archer feat

Skilled eldritch archers can subvert their arcane power to enchant the conjured arrows with rings of eldritch symbols and energy that form around their weapons as they fire. 

Whenever you make a ranged weapon attack, you may choose to expend a 1st-level spell slot or higher to enhance the attack to be empowered or unerring. You cannot enhance more than one attack in a turn in this way.

Empowered. An empowered shot deals an additional 2d6 force damage, and an additional 1d6 force damage for each spell slot level above 1st. 

Unerring. An unerring shot gains a +2 bonus to the attack roll, and an additional +2 bonus for each spell slot level above 1st.

Eldritch Volley Master

Prerequisites: Arrow Enchanter feat

With the string drawn taught, your rings of eldritch symbols form arrows of pure magic able to assail a whole platoon at once.

Whenever you cast a spell with a Cone area, you may additionally make ranged weapon attacks with a ranged weapon you are wielding against targets within that conical area. You may make up to a number of attacks equal to the level of the spell cast, each against a different target. Ranged attacks made in this way ignore the loading quality of weapons and use your conjured magical ammunition.

Mystic Arcanist

Prerequisites: 3 levels in cleric, 3 levels in sorcerer

The arcane and the divine are but two aspects of the same power seen through different lenses, and those with arcane blood running through their veins and divine words chanted in their ears can access magic in its purest form. You gain the following benefits:

  • Your Wisdom or Charisma score increases by 1, to a maximum of 20.
  • When you cast a spell that restores hit points, you restore an additional number of hit points equal to your Charisma modifier.
  • You can spend sorcery points to temporarily gain a spell from the cleric or sorcerer spell lists. Temporarily gaining a spell in this way costs a number of sorcery points equal to the spell’s level. You cannot gain a spell in this way that has a level higher than your highest level spell slot. When you gain a cleric spell in this way, it is considered prepared for the day. When you gain a sorcerer spell in this way, it is considered a spell you know for the day. You lose all spells gained in this way whenever you finish a long rest

Pure Arcanist

Prerequisites: Mystic Arcanist feat

As a mystic arcanist studies and meditates, they come closer and closer to an understanding of the pure magic from which all other arcanum stems. You gain the following special manifestations:

Divine (Radiant). When you cast a spell that deals radiant damage, you can spend 1 sorcery point and choose one creature you can see within 60 feet. That creature regains a number of hit points equal to 1d8 × the spell’s level.

Pure Arcanum (Force). When you cast a spell that deals force damage, you can spend 2 sorcery points and choose one creature you can see. After the spell’s damage is resolved, if the creature was damaged by the spell it makes an Intelligence saving throw or becomes stunned until the end of its next turn.  

Arcanum Master

Prerequisites: Pure Arcanist feat

With a wellspring of magic flowing from their veins and a divine understanding of all magic, the mystic arcanist can reorder magic to suit their will. Whenever you cast a spell that deals damage, you may choose the type of damage that spell deals and the appearance of the spell’s effects. For example, scorching rays made to deal cold damage might look like icicle spears, a fireball that deals radiant damage may appear to be an explosive host of warrior angels, and a lightning bolt that deals psychic damage may be a strange color or accompanied by unnatural howls. 


Prerequisites: Must have been bitten by a vampire or taken necrotic damage equal to quadruple your level from a single attack or spell

You have been corrupted with vampirism from exposure to dark forces that unlocked an ancient and unknown power within your blood, or because a vampire has bitten you. In either case your affliction makes you more than mortal, and yet somehow less.

You gain resistance to necrotic damage (or if you already have it, immunity to necrotic damage) and darkvision to a range of 30 feet (or if you already have it, the range of your darkvision increases by 30 feet). You also gain a bite natural weapon and the Charming Gaze feature.

Bite. You gain a bite natural weapon you are proficient with. You are only able to bite grappled, incapacitated, restrained, or willing creatures. On a hit your bite deals piercing damage equal to 1d6 plus your Strength modifier or Dexterity modifier (whichever is highest). You can use Dexterity instead of Strength for the attack rolls of your bite. In addition, once per turn you can choose for your bite to also deal 1d6 necrotic damage × your proficiency bonus. You regain hit points equal to the amount of necrotic damage dealt to your target. This necrotic damage can only be increased by a critical hit. 

Charming Gaze. You magically target a creature within 30 feet, forcing it to make a Wisdom saving throw (DC 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier). On a failure, the target is charmed by you for a number of hours equal to your proficiency bonus. While charmed it regards you as a trusted friend and is a willing target for your bite. The target repeats the saving throw each time it takes damage, ending the effect on itself on a success. If the target’s saving throw is successful or the effect ends for it, it is immune to your charm for 24 hours. Once you have used this feature, you can’t do so again until you finish a long rest.

This dark gift comes with a price however, making you averse to sunlight. You have disadvantage on attack rolls and on Perception checks that rely on sight when you, the target of your attack, or whatever you are trying to perceive is in direct sunlight. In addition, you cannot use your Charming Gaze while you are in direct sunlight. 

Vampire Spawn

Prerequisites: Newblood

You have embraced your vampirism, unlocking ever more and greater dark gifts. Your bite damage increases to 1d8, a creature affected by your Charming Gaze remains charmed for a number of hours equal to your level, and you regain the use of Charming Gaze when you finish a short or long rest. 

You also gain the Spider Climb and Vampiric Regeneration features.

Spider Climb. You gain a climb speed equal to your Speed, and you can climb even on difficult surfaces and upside down on ceilings.

Vampiric Regeneration. Whenever you start your turn with at least 1 hit point and you haven't taken radiant damage or entered direct sunlight since the end of your last turn, you gain a number of temporary hit points equal to twice your proficiency bonus.

The price for your vampirism becomes all the greater. When you end your turn in contact with running water, you take 20 radiant damage.

Vampire Lord

Prerequisites: Vampire Spawn

It is uncertain where the darkness ends and you begin as you fully embrace vampirism—everything it offers and all that it takes away. You gain the following benefits:

  • Your Speed increases by 10 feet.
  • You gain an expertise die on Stealth checks.
  • The range of your darkvision increases to 120 feet.
  • Your bite damage increases to 1d10.
  • You can use Charming Gaze twice between rests.
  • When using Charming Gaze, a target with at least one level of strife makes its saving throw with disadvantage

  You also gain the Vampiric Shapechange feature.

Vampiric Shapechange. You can use an action to transform into the shape of a Medium or smaller beast of CR 3 or less, a mist, or back into your true form.

While transformed into a beast, you have the beast’s size and movement modes. You can’t use reactions or speak. Otherwise, you use your statistics. Any items you are carrying transform with you.

While transformed into a mist, you have a flying speed of 30 feet, can’t speak, can’t take actions or manipulate objects, are immune to nonmagical damage from weapons, and have advantage on saving throws and Stealth checks. You can pass through a space as narrow as 1 inch without squeezing but can’t pass through water. Any items you are carrying transform with you.

  All of these changes to your body have utterly deprived you of your mortality. You gain the undead type in addition to being a humanoid, and you take 20 radiant damage when you end your turn in contact with sunlight.


Prerequisites: 3 levels in adept, 3 levels in rogue

Nightstalkers are dedicated spies, saboteurs, and assassins, trained in ancient techniques that strain the limits of physical ability and verge on the supernatural. You gain the following benefits:

  • Your Dexterity or Wisdom score increases by 1, to a maximum of 20.
  • You may deal Sneak Attack damage when making attacks using unarmed strikes or adept weapons. 
  • You gain a bonus equal to your Wisdom modifier on Acrobatics, Deception, and Stealth checks.

  In addition, you gain the following special focus feature:

Twilight Vanish

Nightstalkers can move with such swiftness that it takes a trained eye to see the motion at all. On your turn you can use a reaction and spend 2 exertion to move up to 30 feet with such incredible speed that you seem to disappear, and after moving this way may immediately take the Hide action.

Subtly Skilled

Prerequisites: Nightstalker feat

A nightstalker’s true strength isn’t brute force—you are an infiltrator, deceiver, a voice in the right ear or a knife to the right neck, and you turn your physical and mental discipline into the subtlest of manipulations and subterfuge. 

You may add your martial arts die as a bonus to Acrobatics, Culture, Deception, Engineering, Intimidation, Investigation, Sleight of Hand, Stealth, Perception, Performance, and Persuasion checks.   

Night Master

Prerequisites: Subtly Skilled feat

As an experienced nightstalker you have learned complicated and fiercely guarded traditions that channel your mental energy through demanding techniques which unlock magic by manipulating the physical world.

You can spend exertion to cast any spells from the air, earth, fear, fire, movement, obscurement, plants, poison, senses, shadow, transformation, unarmed, or water schools at the cost of 2 exertion per spell level. You use your focus save DC for spells cast this way, and your spell attack modifier is equal to your proficiency bonus + your Wisdom modifier.


Prerequisites: 3 levels in bard, 3 levels in herald

Proclaimers are more than devoted to their faith, they are the oracles, the orators, the divine mouthpieces shouting to the masses with booming voices, convincing words, and eyes clouded with holy truth. 

You gain the following benefits:

  • You are gifted with a divine sight of the near-future. Whenever the Narrator calls for you to roll for initiative, you may activate a use of your Divine Sense feature to warn yourself and up to a number of creatures equal to your Charisma modifier within 30 feet, granting advantage on the initiative check.
  • Your word is holy, and you may use your voice Art Specialty to cast herald spells.
  • You may spend exertion to cast spells from the divination school that you know at a cost of 1 exertion per spell level.
  • When you gain this feat, you gain one of the following alignment traits: Chaotic, Evil, Good, or Lawful. Once chosen your alignment trait cannot be changed, but you can gain a second alignment trait that is not opposed.

Divine Orator

Prerequisites: Proclaimer feat

Proclaimers can use their oration skills to spread their version of ultimate truth into even the most stubborn of acolytes.

You learn the Divine Inspiration and Persuasive Speech battle hymns. These special battle hymns can only be performed while you are using your voice Art Specialty as a spell focus.

Divine Inspiration. When an ally within 15 feet hits a creature with a melee weapon attack, your ally can deliver a Divine Smite just as if you had delivered it yourself using your Divine Smite feature (expending one of your uses). If you are able to empower your smites, you may choose to empower it as normal.

Persuasive Speech. Hostile creatures within 60 feet take a –1d4 penalty on attack rolls. You can sustain this battle hymn for up to 3 rounds without expending additional uses of Bardic Inspiration. When a hostile creature begins its third consecutive turn within range of this battle hymn it becomes charmed by you and will not attack you or your allies. If this causes combat to end early, the creatures remain charmed by you for up to 1 minute afterward or until one of them is damaged by you or an ally. For the next 24 hours after the battle hymn ends, you gain an expertise die on Charisma checks made against creatures that were charmed in this way. A creature that either shares your alignment or worships a deity that has your alignment becomes charmed on its second consecutive turn instead. Creatures that have an opposite alignment or worship a greater entity that has an opposite alignment cannot be charmed in this way.

Harbinger of Things to Come

Prerequisites: Divine Orator feat

Your visions of the future are unclear, but by your word these omens can mean hope or despair.

You learn the Preach Despair and Preach Hope battle hymns. These special battle hymns can only be performed while you are using your voice Art Specialty as a spell focus.

Preach Despair. A hostile creature within 60 feet of you suffers a level of strife. Creatures with an opposite alignment from yours or that worship a greater entity that has an opposite alignment suffer two levels of strife instead. A creature cannot suffer more than two levels of strife from Preach Despair in the same 24 hours.

Preach Hope. Ally creatures within 60 feet gain advantage on saving throws . When the battle hymn ends, allies within 30 feet of you remove one level of strife. An ally that shares your alignment or worships a greater entity removes two levels of strife instead.


Prerequisites: 3 levels in rogue, 3 levels in warlock

Those that steal gold and those that steal power from the otherworldly must both walk among the shadows. The darkness consumes some, the light catches others, but some special few manage to slip through and like them you dance unseen along reality’s edge.     

  You gain the following benefits:

  • You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. Unlike other forms of darkvision you can see color in this way as if you were seeing normally. If you already had darkvision or would gain it later from another feature, its range increases by 30 feet.
  • You can use a bonus action and spend 1 spell point to teleport up to 30 feet to an unoccupied area of darkness or dim light you can see. You must currently be in an area of darkness or dim light to teleport in this way. You can bring along objects if their weight doesn’t exceed what you can carry. You can also bring one willing creature of your size or smaller, provided it isn’t carrying gear beyond its carrying capacity and is within 5 feet. You can increase the range of this teleport by 30 additional feet per each additional spell point you spend.


Prerequisites: Shadowdancer feat

Those lost dancing in the dark eventually find comfort in those in between places, and learn the baffling shades and colors that light has never touched. You gain the following benefits:

  • You regain 1 spell point whenever you cast a spell from the shadow school. 
  • You gain a Stealth skill specialty for hiding while in areas of darkness or dim light, and you have advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks made to hide while in areas of darkness or dim light.
  • Whenever you use your Shadowdancer ability to teleport, after teleporting you can use your reaction to take the Dodge action.

Shadow Assassin

Prerequisites: Shadowmancer feat

Inevitably, all shadowdancers learn that the dark’s only noble purpose is to snuff out the light. While you are hidden from a target and are in an area of darkness or dim light, you may apply your Sneak Attack damage to an eldritch blast.


Prerequisites: 3 levels in berserker, 3 levels in druid (Skinchanger archetype)

The untamed harness the berserker’s rage while in the wild shapes of the druid, combining a mortal’s blind fury with nature’s infinite unbridled wrath. You gain the following benefits:

  • Your Strength or Wisdom score increases by 1, to a maximum of 20.
  • You may enter a rage and assume a wild shape using the same bonus action.
  • Any temporary hit points you gain from assuming a wild shape while raging become rage hit points instead.
  • You may cast and concentrate on druid spells with a range of Self or Touch while raging.
  • While using a wild shape, you can use Furious Critical with attacks made using natural weapons.

Living Stampede

Prerequisites: Untamed feat

The untamed have a connection with nature and the very world itself can feel the heat of their fury. Whenever you enter a rage you may choose up to a number of creatures equal to your Wisdom modifier within 60 feet that are beasts, fey, or plants. These chosen creatures gain the following benefits for as long as you rage, but are unable to take the Fall Back reaction: 

  • Advantage on Strength checks and Strength saving throws.
  • Resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage.
  • Temporary hit points equal to your level.
  • A bonus to damage rolls equal to your proficiency bonus.

Wild Rioter

Prerequisites: Living Stampede feat

Your wrath bursts the dams of even your connection with nature, outpouring from you and your stampede like a plague of fury.

While raging, you and any creatures benefiting from your Living Stampede emit 5-foot auras of fury. When a creature other than you or your allies enters a fury aura or starts its turn there it makes a Wisdom saving throw against your druid spell save DC. On a failed save, a creature becomes confused, except instead of rolling to determine their actions as normal for the confused condition, they are always considered to have rolled the 7 or 8 result. At the end of each of a confused creature’s turns it repeats the saving throw, ending the effect on itself on a success. Once a creature successfully saves against this effect, it is immune to it for the remainder of your rage. 


Something or someone has had a profound impact on your life—and earned your unending rancor. You are utterly dedicated to defeating the source of your vendetta, often an organization like a thieves’ guild, the minions of a dreadful foe like a dragon or lich, or the army of a powerful ruler like a tyrant king. You gain an expertise die on attack rolls and initiative checks made against creatures that are part of your vendetta, and when making a saving throw to resist an attack, feature, maneuver, spell, or trait from a creature that is part of your vendetta. Whether or not a creature is part of your vendetta is at the Narrator’s discretion.


Prerequisites: Vendetta, one other feat or previous Ability Score Increase, dead

You may choose to select this feat when you die, replacing your most recently chosen feat other than Vendetta or reducing your ability scores to reverse your last Ability Score Increase. The next midnight your corpse rises and your soul returns to it. You gain the undead type in addition to being a humanoid, as well as the following benefits:

  • Your destiny changes to Revenge.
  • You gain resistance to necrotic and psychic damage.
  • You gain darkvision to a range of 60 feet (or if you already have it, its range increases by 30 feet).
  • You become immune to poison damage and the poisoned condition.
  • If your vendetta has not ended, you regain all of your hit points when you finish a short rest or 1 hour after you are reduced to 0 hit points.
  • You gain an expertise die on saving throws made against spells and other magical effects, and on saving throws made to resist being charmed , fatigued , frightened , paralyzed , or stunned .
  • You gain an expertise die on ability checks made to find or track a creature that is part of your vendetta.

True Revenant

Prerequisites: Revenant

Even though it has carried you beyond the mortal pale and back again, your mission has become do or die as you exchange the last vestiges of your soul for more power so that you can finally destroy your foes. One year and one day after you select this feat or when your vendetta has ended, you are doomed. Until then, you gain the following benefits:

  In addition, you also gain the Fearsome Pursuit and Burning Hatred features.

Fearsome Pursuit. You can spend 1 minute focusing on a creature that is part of your vendetta. If the creature is dead or on another plane of existence, you learn that. Otherwise, after focusing, you know the distance and direction to that creature, and so long as you’re moving in pursuit of that creature, you and anyone traveling with you ignore difficult terrain. This effect ends if you take damage or end your turn without moving for any reason.

Burning Hatred. You can use an action to target the focus of your Fearsome Pursuit if it is within 30 feet. The creature makes a Wisdom saving throw (DC 8 + your proficiency bonus + your highest mental ability score modifier). On a failure, it takes psychic damage equal to 1d6 × your proficiency bonus and is stunned until the end of its next turn. On a success, it takes half damage and is rattled until the end of its next turn. Once you have used this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, you can’t use it again until you finish a long rest.


Prerequisites: 3 levels in adept, 3 levels in ranger (as of Gate Pass Gazette #0, either of these can be substituted for 3 levels in Artificer).

A vigilante may operate inside civilization but outside the law, combining survival techniques and highly trained physical prowess to enforce their own justice from behind the anonymity and fearsome authority of a mask.

You gain the following benefits:    

  • Your Wisdom or Dexterity score increases by 1, to a maximum of 20.
  • You have an alter ego, an identity associated with a costume or disguise. This alter ego can be as complicated as a full outfit with a history or legends surrounding it or a simple mask or cowl. You can assume or remove this alter ego as an action and it can be worn with all types of armor.
  • You gain a 1d8 expertise die and advantage on Deception checks made regarding your alter ego, Persuasion checks made to dissuade others from connecting you to your alter ego, and on disguise kit checks.
  • Your alter ego has its own Prestige rating that may increase or decrease as you perform deeds while in your alter ego. In addition, while in your alter ego you gain a 1d8 expertise die on Prestige checks.
  • While in your alter ego, you may make a Prestige check and use that result in place of any Intimidation or Persuasion check you would otherwise make.

Equipped for Justice

Prerequisites: Vigilante feat

A vigilante is prepared for anything, and in your hands common pieces of equipment become tools of your unique brand of justice.

You gain the following benefits:

  • You gain proficiency with all types of artisan’s tools and miscellaneous tools. If you already have proficiency with any of these tools, you instead gain an expertise die with those tools.
  • You gain proficiency with Engineering and a 1d8 expertise die on Engineering checks. In addition, you build a nonmagical grappling gun that only functions in your hands. Replacing your grappling gun requires 3 days of crafting and 500 gold.
  • You may add your Wisdom modifier to the DC of any saving throws used for miscellaneous adventuring gear items and to attack rolls made using miscellaneous adventuring gear items.

A Symbol That Strikes Fear

Prerequisites: Equipped for Justice feat

All vigilantes eventually become symbols, and you are a legend that strikes fear into the hearts of those that would stand against you. Creatures with a CR lower than your alter ego’s Prestige rating are frightened of you while you are in your alter ego.

In addition, you become particularly adept at subduing your enemies rather than outright killing them. Whenever you begin a turn grappling a creature, you can attempt to non-lethally subdue it. The grappled creature makes a Constitution saving throw against your maneuver DC. On a failed saving throw, a creature is knocked unconscious for the next hour. A creature with more than 25% of its maximum hit points automatically succeeds on this saving throw. 


Core Feats

Core Feats

Feats are powerful abilities that transcend class features, granting your character extraordinary abilities. Narratively, feats may result from raw talent, divine imbuement, magical modification, extensive training, or the awakening of memories from a past life, but the mechanical benefits are identical.

You may opt to take a feat in lieu of an attribute bonus whenever your class offers you one.  Unless specifically stated, each feat may only be taken once.

To select a feat, you must meet the requirements listed in the description.  If for some reason you no longer meet a feat’s requirements, you lose access to the feat and any abilities it grants until you meet the requirement again.



Adventurers are not locked into only one character class and can realize new and interesting concepts by mixing the abilities of multiple classes.

Whenever you gain a character level, you have the option of gaining a level in a different class instead of gaining the next level in your current class. Your character level is the total number of levels you have in any classes. For example, if you have 3 levels in ranger , 2 levels in fighter , and 1 level in berserker , you are a 6th level character.

Multiclassing allows you to freely develop your adventurer in whatever direction you see fit. Compared to an adventurer of a single class, you’ll have greater versatility and a wider range of options, but you will end up sacrificing some of your focus and you’ll typically reach more powerful class features later than most.

Optional: Prerequisites

A berserker may need to do some studying before they can become a wizard. Before you can take a level of a new class, you must meet that class’ ability score prerequisites and the prerequisites of your existing classes as shown in the Multiclassing Prerequisites table. 

For example, a sorcerer who decides to multiclass into the rogue class must have both Dexterity and Charisma scores of 13 or higher.

Table: Multiclassing Prerequisites

Class Ability Score Minimum
Adept Dexterity 13 and Wisdom 13
Bard Charisma 13

Strength 13


Wisdom 13


Wisdom 13


Strength 13 or Dexterity 13


Strength 13 and Charisma 13


Charisma 13


Dexterity 13 and Wisdom 13


Dexterity 13


Charisma 13


Intelligence 13 or Wisdom 13 or Charisma 13


Intelligence 13


Experience Points

If your game is utilizing experience points (XP), your XP cost to gain new class levels is based on your character level and not your level in any particular class. For example, if you have 4 levels in fighter and 2 levels in marshal, you must gain enough XP to reach 7th level before you can gain a new level in any class.

Hit Points and Hit Dice

You gain the 1st level hit points only from your very first level as a 1st level character. Any levels gained from multiclassing gain the hit points as described for levels after 1st level, even if they would be the first level gained in a particular class.

If your classes both provide the same hit die type, you can simply pool them together. If your classes provide different hit die types, you must keep track of them separately and you may spend them as you choose for any features that require hit dice. For example, if you have 3 levels in berserker and 4 levels in adept, you would have 3d12 hit dice and 4d8 hit dice. When using the adept’s Battle Meditation Focus Feature to regain exertion points, you could choose to spend either a d12 hit die or a d8 hit die.  

Proficiency Bonus

Your proficiency bonus is based on your character level, not on any one particular class. For example, if you have 4 levels of cleric, and 5 levels of fighter, you are a 9th level character with a proficiency bonus of +4.


You only gain some of the 1st level proficiencies from classes taken after your first class, as shown in the Multiclassing Proficiencies table.

Table: Multiclassing Proficiencies 

Class Proficiencies Gained
Adept Simple weapons, shortswords
Berserker  Light armor, medium armor, shields, simple weapons, martial weapons

Light armor, one skill of your choice, one musical instrument of your choice


Two from Culture, History, Medicine, or Religion


Light armor, medium armor, shields (characters with druid levels lose proficiency with metal armor and shields and cannot gain it)


Light armor, medium armor, shields, simple weapons, martial weapons


Light armor, medium armor, shields, simple weapons, martial weapons


Light armor, medium armor, shields, simple weapons, martial weapons


Light armor, medium armor, shields, simple weapons, martial weapons, one skill from the class' skill list


Light armor, one skill from the class' skill list, thieves' tools




Light armor, simple weapons




Starting Equipment

You only gain the starting equipment of your first class at 1st level. You do not gain any additional starting equipment from your first levels in additional classes.

Class Features

Whenever you gain a new level in a class, you gain the class features for that level. There are, however, some features that are found in multiple classes and need additional rules when combined: Alternate Armor Class, Combat Maneuvers, Extra Attack, and Spellcasting .

Alternate Armor Class

Multiple instances of any feature that provides an alternate Armor Class calculation do not stack and cannot combine in any way. If you have multiple features that provide an alternate Armor Class calculation, your AC is equal to the highest Armor Class calculation that currently applies. 

An alternate Armor Class calculation applies when all its requirements are met. For example, the adept’s Agile Defense feature specifies that you cannot be using a shield, while the berserker’s Rugged Defense feature specifies that it applies while you are using a shield. If you have both features and are using a shield, you could apply your Rugged Defense, but Agile Defense would not currently apply.

Combat Maneuvers

If you gain the Combat Maneuvers class feature from more than one class, you gain any additional combat traditions or maneuvers the features provide but your exertion pool remains the same and does not stack. 

Heralds. The herald is an exception to this rule. If your first levels are in the herald class, you gain an exertion pool equal to twice your proficiency bonus. You regain exertion spent from this pool at the end of a short or long rest .

You use your class levels in every class that grants combat maneuvers to determine the highest degree of combat maneuvers you can learn, determined by the class with the greatest access. For example, if you have 3 levels of fighter and 10 levels of herald you can learn combat maneuvers of up to 4th degree (like a 13th level fighter).

Extra Attack

You cannot stack multiple instances of the Extra Attack feature from multiple classes, and additional instances of the feature do not add additional attacks. 

Fighters and Marshals. The additional 11th level Extra attack feature gained by fighters and marshals are both exceptions to this rule (a fighter 5/marshal 6 can attack 3 times with the Attack action.)


If you gain the Spellcasting feature from only one class you follow the spellcasting rules found in that class. However, if you gain the Spellcasting feature from different classes you must use the following rules.

Spells Known and Prepared

You know and prepare the spells of each of your classes individually as if you only had levels in that class. For example if you have 2 levels of sorcerer and 3 levels of wizard, you know the same number of spells as a 2nd level sorcerer and prepare the same number of spells as a 3rd level wizard.

Each spell you know and prepare is chosen from a different one of your classes, and uses the spellcasting ability of the same class. If one of your classes uses a distinct spellcasting focus, such as an arcane focus, it can only be used for the spells chosen from that class. 

Spell Slots

Your total number of spell slots is determined by adding together all the class levels you have from classes with the Spellcasting feature, but some classes do not count as highly as others when determining your spell slots. 

Your class levels in the bard, cleric, druid, sorcerer, and wizard classes all count fully towards your spell slots.

Half your levels (rounded down) in the herald class count towards your spell slots.

One third of your levels (rounded down) in the ranger class with the Wildborn archetype count towards your spell slots.

Use this total to determine your spell slots using the Multiclass Spellcaster table. For example, if you have 2 herald levels and 5 cleric levels you count as a 6th level spellcaster for determining your spell slots. 

This table may provide you with spell slots at levels higher than you can prepare or know. While you cannot use these slots for spells you don’t know or can’t prepare, you can still use them to enhance many lower level spells. For example, if you have 2nd-level spell slots but don't know any 2nd-level spells, you can cast magic missile as a 2nd-level spell instead of a 1st-level spell (provided you know or have prepared it), even though you don’t know any spells of 2nd-level or higher.

Pact Magic

If you have a Spellcasting class feature and the warlock’s Pact Magic class feature, you may spend spell points gained from your Pact Magic feature to cast spells you know from your Spellcasting class feature. Similarly, you can use spell slots gained from your Spellcasting feature to cast warlock spells you know.  

Table: Multiclass Spellcaster

Level 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th




















































































































