While most pets are likely to be acquired over the course of an adventure there is always the possibility of finding places with animals and magical beasts for sale. Use the price guide below for finding your party’s new furry (or scaly) friend.
Common Pets Bat 5 gp Boar 5 gp Camel 50 gp Cat 5 sp Crab 5 gp Draft horse 50 gp Eagle 50 gp Frog 2 gp Goat 3 gp Hawk 25 gp Lizard 1 gp Mastiff 25 gp Mule 8 gp Owl 10 gp Pony 30 gp Rat 1 sp Raven 30 gp Riding horse 75 gp Scorpion 1 gp Spider 1 gp Weasel 2 gp |
Uncommon Pets Axe beak 75 gp Black bear 250 gp Brown bear 300 gp Constrictor snake 75 gp Crocodile 50 gp Elephant 200 gp Flying snake 150 gp Giant bat 50 gp Giant boar 200 gp Giant crab 50 gp Giant crocodile 300 gp Giant eagle 200 gp Giant frog 25 gp Giant goat 75 gp Giant lizard 30 gp Giant owl 50 gp Giant rat 25 gp Giant scorpion 400 gp Giant spider 300 gp Giant toad 150 gp Giant weasel 30 gp Lion 300 gp Owlbear 500 gp Panther 100 gp Tiger 300 gp Warhorse 400 gp
50 gp |
Rare Pets Blink dog 2,500 gp Cockatrice 1,000 gp Griffon 10,000 gp Hippogriff 7,000 gp Mammoth 40,000 gp Pegasus 25,000 gp Pseudodragon 6,000 gp Triceratops 30,000 gp T-rex 65,000 gp Unicorn 15,000 gp |
For one reason or another an adventurer may be moved to donate to charity or invest to the betterment of a settlement. There are boons and rewards available to sponsoring a city project or helping develop a charitable organization. In order to benefit from a donation, you must contribute at least 1,000 gold.
Donating the money for the bridge gives you the privilege of naming it. If it is a toll bridge, you never have to pay toll at this bridge or any other toll collector in the settlement. Additionally, you gain advantage on Charisma checks when interacting with common citizens of the settlement.
When you donate money for a new or improved sewer system you gain exclusive access to the sewer blueprints, and you can order secret tunnels to be made between the sewers and any 3 buildings in the city of their choosing. Additionally, for an extra 3,000 gold, a small underground facility can be built inside the sewers. This facility does not count towards the other 3 buildings that have tunnel access.
When you fund the building of a city institution, such as a town hall or police facility, you never have to make an appointment to see a city official. Additionally, you gain advantage on Insight and Intimidation checks when interacting with city officials.
When you fund the building of a public library you gain advantage on Investigation checks made to research using the library so long as relevant information can be found there. Additionally, you may ask the scholar in residence to perform a research project over the course of one week on a specific topic. How useful the information provided after this research is complete is left to the Narrator’s discretion.
When you contribute to the building of a hospital you gain free treatment by the medical staff. Medical staff immediately work to stabilize any dying character, regardless of whether they donated to the hospital. Common diseases can be treated in a week’s time. Treatment of rarer diseases and ailments are left to the Narrator’s discretion, and hospitals cannot treat magical ailments.
Characters who contribute to the building of an orphanage gain the trust of the youngsters of the street. You have advantage on Charisma checks made against orphans from this settlement. Additionally, at the Narrator’s discretion the staff of the orphanage are willing to provide useful information to you. Such information could include local gangs recruiting orphans or the identity of an orphan’s parents.
If a school is built there is a higher chance of literacy amongst children, teenagers, and young adults in the town. Additionally, characters can recruit recent graduates of the settlement’s school as hirelings.
A community garden gives the settlement access to plants used for medicinal and magical purposes—as well as good old-fashioned cooking. After you build a botanical garden you have access to herbs and plants required for spell components, the brewing of potions, and the crafting of magical items. Additionally, you receive a 10% discount on all potions and food sold in this settlement.
An animal sanctuary is a great investment for any adventuring party, especially rangers and druids. Animal sanctuaries provide a location to learn about more animals that you may not interact with every day. These institutions sell their creatures only to those they know who will care for them, and when you invest in the building of such a property you receive a 50% discount on the animals found there.
Spellcasting Services
Spellcasting Services
The further you adventure the more you’ll need certain spells cast—but you may not yet be powerful enough to cast them. The first time this is likely to come up is after the untimely death of a party member. When this happens, to return them to life allies must seek out a spellcaster of some renown to hire for the task.
Powerful mages who advertise their services are only likely to be found in a magical metropolis.
Refer to the Spellcasting Services table below for a list of commonly performed spells and associated prices.
Spell |
Material Fee |
Casting Fee |
Class |
25 gp |
50 gp |
Wizard |
25 gp |
50 gp |
Cleric |
1,000 gp |
1,000 gp |
Bard, druid |
3,000 gp |
1,500 gp |
Wizard |
1,500 gp |
1,000 gp |
Wizard |
25 gp |
200 gp |
Cleric |
1,000 gp |
2,000 gp |
Cleric |
— |
2,000 gp |
Bard, druid, warlock, wizard |
5,000 gp |
2,000 gp |
Cleric, sorcerer, wizard |
100 gp |
1,000 gp |
Bard, cleric, druid |
10 gp |
1,000 gp |
Bard, wizard |
100 gp |
200 gp |
Bard, wizard |
500 gp+ |
2,000 gp |
Warlock, wizard |
1,000 gp |
1,000 gp |
Wizard |
450 gp |
1,000 gp |
Bard, cleric, wizard |
25 gp |
1,000 gp |
Bard, wizard |
500 gp |
1,000 gp |
Bard, cleric, herald |
— |
1,000 gp |
Bard, cleric, druid |
1,000 gp |
1,000 gp |
Druid |
— |
500 gp |
Cleric, herald, warlock, wizard |
2,500 gp |
1,000 gp |
Bard, cleric |
1,000 gp |
1,000 gp |
Bard, cleric, druid, warlock, wizard |
— |
500 gp |
Bard, sorcerer, wizard |
5,000 gp |
1,000 gp |
Wizard |
— |
300 gp |
Bard, cleric |
25,000 gp |
5,000 gp |
Cleric, druid |
Enchanting Gear
Enchanting Gear
You can also pay someone to enchant your weapons, armor, clothing, or jewelry. The price for an enchanted item such as this is the combined total of the crafter’s fee for a wondrous item and the cost of the mundane item without enchantment.
Additionally, for a fee of a third of a magic item’s cost, you can have an enchanter transfer the enchantment from one magic item to a mundane item.
Ordering Crafted Items
Ordering Crafted Items
Adventurers can be a picky sort and sometimes it is harder to find the exact item they need on the rack of a smithy or the shelf of a magic item supplier. When this happens crafting the desired items from scratch is the solution—and why craft something yourself if you have the money to pay an expert?
To determine the cost of having an item crafted, you must add the cost of materials and the crafter’s fee to the standard price for the item, although when rare materials are involved you may have to provide them instead of just pay for them. At the Narrator’s discretion the crafter’s fee may vary slightly based upon the crafter’s experience, settlement population, or some other variable. Refer to the Crafting Prices table to find the standard prices for crafter’s and material’s fees. Use the storefront column to determine what kind of storefront said crafter is usually found in.
Table: Crafting Prices
Item Type | Crafter's Fee | Storefront |
Common or uncommon potion | 5% | Apothecary, magic item supplier |
Rare potion | 10% | Apothecary, magic item supplier |
Wondrous item |
10% | Magic item supplier |
Ammunition |
5% | Smithy |
Simple weapon |
5% | Smithy |
Martial weapon |
10% | Smithy |
Light armor |
5% | Leatherworker |
Medium armor |
5% | Smithy |
Heavy armor |
10% | Smithy |
NPC Services
NPC Services
Ordering Crafted Items | Enchanting Gear | Spellcasting | Donations | Pets | Eggs
There comes a point in every adventuring party’s life cycle where there is not enough time or resources to do everything on their own. Thanks to kind Narrators, this time is usually when said adventurers have become flush with coin. You know what they say: “If you can’t afford the time to do it, at least you can afford to pay someone else.”
Listed below are descriptions of various services NPCs can provide throughout your adventures as well as their associated fees. For more permanent servants see followers .
Smithies are found in more developed settlements of at least a few dozen people, with more and more experienced smiths living in more highly populated areas. Here, adventurers can purchase any simple weapons. At the Narrator’s discretion you might find martial weapons and regionally specific weapons when applicable. Smithies also have a selection of medium and heavy armors. Light armor can be found at a leatherworker's shop.
See ordering crafted items for prices.
Magic Item Suppliers
Magic Item Suppliers
At a certain point in an adventurer’s career they might find challenges that seem insurmountable without the aid of magic. Magic items are typically found as loot in complex dungeons or are given as rewards for completing dangerous quests. If you are in a large city or metropolis—or you find yourself in a world where magic is the norm—you may just be able to go shopping for magic items.
Most magic item shops have a limited supply of uncommon and common magic items of significant power. Utility magic items are far more common in shops such as these. You can use the Magic Items For Sale table to give you an idea of the typical stock of magic item suppliers.
Magic item suppliers are also useful locations narratively, as they may be frequented by notable adventurers, politicians, healers, and villains. Additionally, these shops sometimes have spellcasters on their staff that can perform spellcasting services for a fee as described in the next section.
Magic Items For Sale
- Bag of holding (500 gp)
- Bracers of archery (500 gp)
- Cloak of protection (500 gp)
- Eversmoking bottle (250 gp)
- Eyes of the eagle (250 gp)
- Gem of brightness (900 gp)
- Goggles of night (500 gp)
- Helm of comprehending languages (250 gp)
- Basic potion of healing (50 gp)
- Greater potion of healing (150 gp)
- Superior potion of healing (550 gp)
- Spell scroll (cantrip) (10 gp)
Lifestyle Expenses
Lifestyle Expenses
Living costs money, and when not out delving dungeons or exploring adventurers still need to eat, drink, and sleep to stay alive. A hot meal can be a glorious sight compared to the endless trail rations, and a room with a warm bed is a welcome respite compared to the unknown dangers on the trail.
While all food and lodging provides the same mechanical benefits of rest and sustenance, a bowl of gruel and a roasted pheasant have quite different costs and are usually enjoyed by different social circles. Every cultural situation is different but there are three general categories of lifestyle: poor, moderate, and rich.
Poor. A poor lifestyle is usually the most common one, and the poor social circle is typically filled with folks barely making it day by day, as well as people willing to stab or smuggle their way towards better things. Dining and lodging in poor social circles is useful when seeking out underworld contacts, fences, and assassins. A poor lifestyle inflicts a -1 Prestige penalty (to a minimum of 0).
Moderate. A moderate lifestyle is most often enjoyed by craftsmen, tradesmen, merchants, and those working for a living but otherwise managing to live comfortably. Dining and lodging in moderate social circles is useful when seeking out professionals in legitimate services, guild members, and specialists.
Rich. A rich lifestyle is rarely achieved and most often inherited, and the luxuries it entails are enjoyed by the extremely lucky or the ruthlessly cunning. Dining and lodging in rich social circles is useful when seeking out nobility, heads of state, royalty, or any leader or high-ranking member of a major organization. A rich lifestyle grants a +1 Prestige bonus.
Table: Lifestyles
Lifestyle |
Meal Cost |
Example Meal |
Lodging Cost |
Daily Living Expenses |
Prestige |
Poor |
5 cp |
Mug of ale, hunk of bread, bowl of vegetable stew, and a small hunk of cheese. |
1 sp |
2 sp |
-1 |
Moderate |
4 sp |
Mug of ale, turkey leg, cheese wedge, and an apple. |
6 sp |
1 gp, 5 sp |
+0 |
Rich |
1 gp |
Roast pheasant, glass of wine, pork sausage links, and a fruit tartlet. |
3 gp |
5 gp |
+1 |
Trade Goods
Trade Goods
You can’t eat money, and all wealth is eventually measured in commodities, luxuries, and trade goods. Local shortages, surpluses, trade embargoes, and treaties may shift values, but the following trade goods table shows the value of many commonly exchanged goods.
Table: Trade Goods
Cost |
Goods |
1 cp |
1 lb. of wheat |
2 cp |
1 lb. of flour or one chicken |
5 cp |
1 lb. of salt |
1 sp |
1 lb. of iron |
1 sp |
1 square yard of canvas |
5 sp |
1 lb. of copper of 1 square yard of cotton cloth |
1 gp |
1 lb. of ginger or one goat |
2 gp |
1 lb. of cinnamon or pepper, or one sheep |
3 gp |
1 lb. of cloves or one pig |
5 gp |
1 lb. of silver or 1 square yard of linen |
10 gp |
1 square yard of silk or one cow |
15 gp |
1 lb. of saffron or one ox |
50 gp |
1 lb. of gold |
500 gp |
1 lb. of platinum |
100 gp |
1 lb. of cold iron |
1,000 gp |
1 lb. of adamantine |
1 gp |
1 lb. of bronze |
2 sp |
1 square yard of leather |
750 gp |
1 lb. of mithral |
50 gp |
1 gram of diamond dust |