Heroic Substitution
Heroic Substitution
When damage from a successful attack roll would reduce your animal companion’s hit points to 0, you may move up to your base speed to position yourself between your companion and the attack, moving your companion 5 feet if necessary, and take the damage of the attack instead.This maneuver does not cost your animal
companion’s reaction.
Tactical Retreat
Tactical Retreat
When you realize an expedient exit is needed (perhaps due to the arrival of enemy reinforcements), you can quickly identify the best route and create the space for you and your allies to make a hasty escape.
You use your reaction to make a Wisdom (Deception) check opposed by an enemy’s passive Perception. On a success, you and allies within 30 feet (or within the same region during a space battle) can take the Disengage action and move up to twice your Speed (or engage your FTL engines) without invoking an opportunity attack.
Calculated Trajectory
Calculated Trajectory
You instantly calculate and adjust your aim.
When you make a ranged weapon attack, you can use your reaction to gain an expertise die on the attack roll. If the weapon is a light or medium caster, a pistol, or a rifle, you can forgo the expertise die to instead ignore half or three-quarters cover.
Anticipated Intercept
Anticipated Intercept
You intuit your enemy’s movements and hamper them.
When you see a creature start to use its movement, you can use your reaction to move up to your Speed to a square 5 feet from where it started its movement. The creature makes a Wisdom saving throw or its Speed is reduced to 0 for the remainder of its turn.
Reactive Re-arm
Reactive Re-arm
When your opponent disarms you, you recall your weapon instantly.
If you are disarmed, you can use your reaction to instantly teleport your starglaive back to your hand.
High Ground
High Ground
When you have the high ground, you have the advantage.
If you are 5 feet or more higher than your foe and they make a melee attack against you while within reach of your starglaive, you can use your reaction to interrupt their attack with an attack of your own. Make a melee attack. This attack takes place before your attacker’s attack. Quickdraw (1 point)
Hit the Brakes
Hit the Brakes
You suddenly decelerate, causing your foe to fly past you and into your gunsights.
Choose another starfighter operating in the same combat zone which has locked on to you. The starfighter makes a Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, you make an attack against the target.
Pull Up
Pull Up
Suddenly the empty space in front of you is occupied and you desperately try to pull your ship out of a collision course!
When you fail a saving throw to avoid a collision or attempted ramming, use your reaction to reroll the failed saving throw, taking the new result.
Barrel Roll
Barrel Roll
Your starfighter spins and jukes in response to oncoming fire.
As a reaction to being targeted by an attack, you force the attack to suffer disadvantage.
Abilities: Charisma