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Spellcasting Symphony

Wondrous Item, Uncommon (requires attunement; cost 500 gp)
Crafting Components

Wood salvaged from a burned down theater in the Dreaming

A noted bard created these flawless instruments to be exemplary examples of their kind. In addition to creating music of rare quality, they are able to cast spells as they are played as well as offering additional unique benefits.

While attuned to one of these instruments, you gain an additional benefit and can use an action to cast one of the spells an instrument knows by playing it. Once you have done so, the instrument can not be used to cast that spell again until the next dawn.

If you are not a bard, when attempting to play one of these instruments you make a DC 14 Charisma saving throw or take 3d6 psychic damage.

When using one of these instruments to make a Performance check you gain an expertise die (1d8).

Table: Spellcasting Symphony
Instrument   Cost Rarity Spells  Other Benefits
Harp of Harmony 500 gp Uncommon calm emotions , charm person , charm monster Bonus action to gain advantage on a Persuasion check once each dawn.
Defending Drum 1,500 gp Rare   alter self , feather fall , misty step +2 to AC.
Triangle of Terror 4,500 gp Rare     fear , phantasmal killer Advantage on Intimidation checks.
Flute of the Wind 10,000 gp Very Rare  fly , sleet storm , stone shape , wind wall Bonus action to gain advantage on a Survival check once each dawn.
Lute of Legends 95,000 gp Legendary conjure celestial , contact other plane , delayed blast fireball , greater invisibility Single casting of wish .