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Gnoll Demonfang


AC 15 (hide armor)

HP 65 (10d8 + 20; bloodied 32)

Speed 40 ft.

Proficiency +2; Maneuver DC 13

Saving Throws Con +4, Wis +2, Cha +3

Condition Immunities charmed , frightened

Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10

Languages Abyssal, Gnoll

Aligned. The gnoll radiates a Chaotic and Evil aura.

Possessed. If the gnoll demonfang is turned or affected by dispel evil and good or a similar effect, it transforms into an ordinary gnoll . Any damage it has taken carries over to its new form. If this damage exceeds its maximum hit points, it dies.


Multiattack. The gnoll attacks three times with its Charging Claw.

Charging Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) slashing damage, or 10 (2d6 + 3) slashing damage if this is the gnoll’s first attack on this target this turn. The gnoll may then move up to 10 feet without provoking opportunity attacks .


The gnoll charges the largest group of enemies and attacks three different targets if it can, using the extra movement granted by its attack. It fights to the death, and gnolls in its presence are likely to do the same.

Legends and Lore

With a Nature or Religion check, characters can learn the following:

DC 10 Gnolls are hyena-like humanoids that raid border settlements and slaughter the inhabitants.

DC 15 Gnoll warriors worship demons and sometimes allow themselves to become possessed in battle.


Any gnoll warrior can become possessed by a demonic spirit. When possessed, it drops its weapons and attacks its enemies with blinding speed and ferocity. Other gnolls eagerly follow it into battle, interpreting such a possession as a sign of their demon lord’s favor. After hours or days, the demon departs—a process the gnoll doesn’t always survive.


Lone Behavior
1 Scouting for a larger group
2 Feasting on a corpse
3 Wounded and insane; can’t stop laughing and attacks on sight
4 Looking for a surrogate pack; will be submissive to an armed group and acts violently towards all others

Group Behavior
1 Performing a gruesome sacrifice to the demon lord that first transformed them from hyenas
2 On a surprise raid against an undefended village, seeking plunder and slaughter
3 Fighting among themselves
4 Taking grisly trophies such as ears and teeth from the corpses of villagers
5 Giggling as they hunt a human or other humanoid
6 Feasting on corpses, drunk with bloodshed


1 A burned-out village scattered with gnawed corpses
2 Armored warriors seeking revenge against a gnoll band
3 Gnoll tracks
4 Hyenas following you from afar
5 Distant high-pitched laughter
6 A corpse, its belly ripped open, surrounded by bloody tracks


Gnolls rampage in wild lands within raiding distance of other tribes and villages.

CR 0–2 1 or 2 gnolls

Treasure 10 gp, 80 sp, signet ring (25 gp)

CR 3–4 3 to 5 gnolls , or 3 to 4 gnolls with 1d6 hyenas

Treasure 50 gp, bulky crate of 20 longswords (15 gp each), moonstone carved with an Abyssal rune (75 gp), 2 potions of healing

CR 5–10 1d8 + 7 gnolls , or 1d4 + 2 gnolls riding giant hyenas , or gnoll pack leader with 1d6 + 6 gnolls , or gnoll demonfang with 1d4 gnolls

Treasure 12 pieces of miscellaneous jewelry (75 gp each), 2 potions of hill giant strength , efficient quiver

Monster Type Description

Humanoids include a number of different intelligent, language-using bipeds of Small or Medium size. Humans and elves are humanoids, and so are orcs and goblins. Humanoids may employ magic but are not fundamentally magical—a characteristic that distinguishes them from bipedal, language-using fey, fiends, and other monsters. Humanoids have no inherent alignment, meaning that no humanoid ancestry is naturally good or evil, lawful or chaotic.