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There is no power more linked to divinity than that which can give and restore life. The divine energy of the planes flows through restoration clerics, granting them the ability to give, restore, and even take life.

Healers have devoted their existence to the preservation of life in others. Many systems of belief have at their heart a tale about the spark of creation, when life came into being. Restoration clerics, however else they live, are driven to wield that spark, preserving and nurturing it wherever they can. While many do strive to preserve life for its own sake, perhaps living as pacifists or seeking a peaceful existence, many restoration clerics have lives as tumultuous as any warrior’s—they need those healing abilities for a reason! Their restorative prowess allows themselves and their allies to fight longer and harder for their cause.

Whether through long chants to higher beings, a powerful attunement to the natural world, or an oath sworn in blood to the right deity at the right time, there are many ways to gain access to this power, and just as many ways to wield it.

Healer Archetype Spells

1st level -  cure wounds , healing word

3rd level -  lesser restoration , prayer of healing

5th level -  beacon of hope , mass healing word

7th level - rage of the meek , tearful sonnet

9th level - flame strike , greater restoration

1st LevelHeal Up

Starting at 1st level when you choose this archetype, you may add your Wisdom modifier to the hit points restored by healing spells of 1st-level or higher.

1st LevelSmall Mercy

Also at 1st level, you’re given the power to improve the chances of allies wounded on the battlefield. You learn the spare the dying cantrip. This does not count against your number of known cantrips.

Level 2Better Than Cure

Beginning at 2nd level, you may interject to prevent harm to your allies. When an ally within 30 feet of you is hit with an attack that deals nonmagical bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage, you may use your reaction to halve the damage. At 8th level, you may negate all of the attack’s damage.

Once you have used this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, you can’t do so again until you finish a long rest .

6th LevelHealing Aura

Starting at 6th level, your restorative powers radiate while you recuperate. Allies taking a short rest within 30 feet of you gain the maximum amount of hit points possible from any expended Hit Dice.

8th LevelBalance in All Things

At 8th level, the damage you deal to your enemies radiates healing energy back to you and your allies. When you hit with a spell attack , you and any allies within 30 feet of you regain hit points equal to your Wisdom modifier + the spell’s level. A creature cannot benefit from this effect more than once per short rest .

17th LevelChannel Divinity: Divine Protection

Beginning at 17th level, you may bluntly deploy divine power to shield your companions from harm. When one or more allies within 30 feet would take damage from an attack, effect, or spell, you can use your reaction and Channel Divinity to negate that damage.