Aspirant | Anointer | Exorcist
Healer | Hecatomb | Labyrinth Priest
Oracle | Guardian (Cleric) | Sun Priest
Many higher powers and great entities can see where mortal eyes cannot, whether that be beyond barriers between planes, into the vast knowledge wells of the multiverse, or how the threads of fate will weave. Oracles are gifted with insights into this knowledge.
Some oracles delve into the wealth of knowledge already amassed by great minds. For others this is not enough—they long to explore new knowledge, or even see that which has not yet occurred. Whatever their focus, discovery clerics are gifted with the means to follow these desires, and the choice between sharing or sequestering the knowledge lies to them.
Whether they gain their knowledge from prophetic dreams, visits and whispers from long-dead all-knowing ancestors, or simply an uncanny knack to interpret the signs that abound for those who care to look, for good or for ill these clerics see where others cannot.
Oracle Archetype Spells
1st level - comprehend languages , identify
3rd level - augury , detect thoughts
5th level - clairvoyance , nondetection
7th level - divination , locate creature
9th level - commune with nature , contact other plane
Unfickle Fate
Starting at 1st level when you choose this archetype, you can use an action to touch a willing creature and grant them a single premonition that they will remember for 1 hour. While they remember the premonition, the creature can choose to reroll an ability check, attack roll , or saving throw , after which the premonition is gone from its mind. Once you use this feature, you cannot do so again until you finish a long rest .
Channel Divinity: All Seeing Oracle
Beginning at 2nd level, you may use your Channel Divinity to briefly look through the eyes of another. While doing so, you are blind to your own surroundings and see through the eyes of a creature you name. As long as the creature is alive and on the same plane of existence, you recall a still image of its surroundings exactly as it saw them in a single moment. If the creature is dead, blinded, unconscious , or protected from divination magic this feature has no effect.
Channel Divinity: Aural Oracle
At 6th level, you are able to use your Channel Divinity to see and hear through the eyes of another for 1 minute. When using this feature, you become blinded and deafened to your surroundings and sense through a creature you name. As long as the creature is alive and on the same plane of existence, it makes a Wisdom saving throw . On a failure, you can see what it sees and hear what it hears. An unconscious creature automatically fails its save, but only hears (it sees nothing). You cannot see through the eyes of a blinded creature, or hear through the ears of a deafened creature. If the creature is dead or protected from divination magic this feature has no effect. On a successful save, a creature is immune to this feature for 24 hours.
Potent Premonitions
Starting at 8th level, your premonitions are more powerful. Your Unfickle Fate feature now lasts up to 8 hours. In addition you gain one premonition per long rest . Roll a d20. You may apply its number to the ability check, attack roll , or saving throw of a creature you can see within 30 feet. Once you use this feature, you cannot do so again until you finish a long rest.
Channel Divinity: All Powerful Oracle
Beginning at 17th level, your ability to see from the perspective of another using Channel Divinity reaches its ultimate form. When using this feature, you become blinded and deafened to your surroundings for up to a number of minutes equal to your Wisdom modifier, sensing instead through a creature you name. As long as the creature is alive and on the same plane of existence, it makes a Wisdom saving throw . On a failure, you can see and hear everything the creature sees and hears.
In addition, you are also able to access all of the creature’s memories and knowledge related to a single object, place, person, or subject. The subject and place must be somewhat specific (you may not simply access their knowledge of “history” for example, but you may access their knowledge on “the history of dragons’ uses in warfare”.) Similarly, you may gain their knowledge of a single city, building, or 5-mile-square patch of wilderness, but not an entire continent or region.
You cannot see through the eyes of a blinded creature, or hear through the ears of a deafened creature. If the creature is dead or protected from divination magic this feature has no effect. An unconscious creature automatically fails its saving throw and you may hear what it hears and access its knowledge. On a successful save, a creature is immune to this feature for 24 hours.