Aspirant | Anointer | Exorcist
Healer | Hecatomb | Labyrinth Priest
Oracle | Guardian (Cleric) | Sun Priest
The Anointer is the hand from which blessings flow. Oils, blood, ash and holy water, the gods and mediums may vary, but each anointer takes that which has been blessed and bestows it on those they deem worthy.
Anointer Archetype Spells
3rd level - enhance ability , warding bond
5th level - beacon of hope , haste
7th level - death ward , mind shield
9th level - antilife shell , hallow
Starting at 1st level you gain the ability to anoint a willing adjacent creature as an action with a simple holy mark using oil, holy water, ashes, blood, or any other medium as appropriate to your faith. Once anointed in this way, creatures remain anointed for 1 hour or until you activate this feature, after which the medium loses its potency. A creature can also reject this blessing by using an action to remove the anointing medium. Using the other features of this archetype on creatures you have anointed does not affect the medium’s potency.
Whenever a creature you’ve anointed in this way that you can see makes an attack roll , ability check , or saving throw that, you may bless it as a reaction to grant it an expertise die on its roll. You can do so after the die has been rolled, but must do so before the Narrator says whether the creature succeeded or failed. You can use this feature a number of time equal to your proficiency bonus and you regain all expended uses whenever you finish a long rest .
Blessing of the Anointed
Also at 1st level, whenever you cast a spell of the abjuration, enhancement, or protection schools that targets one or more creatures, you may choose one anointed creature you can see as an additional target, as long as it is within double the spell’s range. A creature cannot benefit from this effect more than once per short rest .
Channel Divinity: Anointed Grace
Beginning at 2nd level, you can channel your divinity as a bonus action to bestow a calming grace upon a creature you’ve anointed that you can see. If you do, choose one of the following conditions afflicting the anointed creature: blinded , deafened , frightened , or rattled . The chosen condition immediately ends for the anointed creature. At 8th level, you can use this feature to end the charmed , confused , or stunned conditions.
Channel Divinity: Shelter the Anointed
Starting at 6th level, you can channel your divinity as an action to ward every creature you’ve anointed that you can see within 30 feet. The warded creatures gain resistance to all damage types until the beginning of your next turn.
Blessed Peacemakers
Beginning at 8th level, your anointment also invigorates the creature with divine power. You can spend an action to focus your blessing, allowing creatures you’ve anointed that you can see to deal additional damage equal to your Wisdom modifier the first time each turn they deal damage with a weapon or spell attack for the next minute. Once you have used this feature a number of times equal to your Wisdom modifier, you can’t do so again until you finish a long rest .
Channel Divinity: Anointed Consecration
Starting at 17th level, you can expend a use of your channel divinity as an action to anoint the grounds you’re standing on and create a magic circle with a 15-foot radius centered on your current space. As long as they stay within the circle, allied creatures are treated as if they were anointed by you. In addition, while within this circle you can use your Shelter the Anointed and Anointed Grace features once each without expending a use of your channel divinity. Once an area has been affected in this way, the magic circle remains for 1 minute.