Swift Strategist
Arcane Officer
Concordant Commander
Expedition Leader
Gambling General
Knight Commander
Sea Scourge
Swift Strategist
Talented Tactician
War Falconer
Not all marshals command fully-armored, heavily armed troops, yet they produce as much result as any disciplined army. Swift strategists know when to strike hard, fast, and be gone before the enemy realizes what hit them. Their presence may be rare on the battlefield, but that is simply because the entire war is the perfect warzone.
Make Haste
At 3rd level when you select this archetype, choose one of the following.
Fast Feet
Whenever a friendly creature starts its turn within range of your Commanding Presence, the creature increases its Speed by 5 feet until the end of its turn.
Fast Retreat
Once per round when you take the Attack action, you can forgo making one attack to allow a friendly creature within range of your Commanding Presence to move up to half its Speed without provoking opportunity attacks .
Also at 3rd level, you increase your Speed by 10 feet whenever you’re wearing light or no armor and not wielding a shield. In addition, when your movement would provoke an opportunity attack, you impose disadvantage on the attack roll made against you.
At 15th level, the increase to your Speed becomes 20 feet.
Nimble Troops
At 7th level, choose either Acrobatics or Athletics. Creatures within range of your Commanding Presence add your Charisma modifier to checks using the chosen skill.
Glorious Sacrifice
At 11th level, choose one of the following:
Take Cover
When you and at least one other friendly creature within range of your Commanding Presence would make a saving throw , you can choose to make your saving throw with disadvantage and grant any creatures of your choice within the area of your Commanding Presence advantage on the same saving throw.
Miraculous Protector
When an ally within range of your Commanding Presence takes a critical hit, you can use your reaction to shove them out of the way and become the target of the attack instead. Once you have used this feature, you cannot do so again until you finish a short or long rest .
Portentous Escape
At 15th level, choose one of the following:
Get Them Out
When an ally within range of your Commanding Presence would make a saving throw against an area effect, you can use your reaction to shout at them and your ally can use their reaction to move up to half their Speed. If your ally ends their movement outside the area, the area effect has no effect on them. Once you use this feature, you cannot do so again until you finish a long rest .
Fortifying Encouragement
Whenever you succeed on a saving throw , you can choose one friendly creature within 60 feet of you. If the target can see or hear you, the target gains temporary hit points equal to 5 + your Charisma modifier.
Unbound Horde
At 18th level, choose one of the following.
Among the Ranks
Hostile creatures have disadvantage on opportunity attacks made against creatures friendly to you that are within range of your Commanding Presence.
March Together
If you move on your turn, each creature within range of your Commanding Presence at the start of your move can use a reaction to move up to 10 feet, provided the creature’s Speed is at least 10 feet.