Talented Tactician
Arcane Officer
Concordant Commander
Expedition Leader
Gambling General
Knight Commander
Sea Scourge
Swift Strategist
Talented Tactician
War Falconer
The most brilliant of tactician marshals are those who can sit far away from the frontlines and yet picture every move their enemy might take. For each move, they plan an appropriate response to drive their foe into desperation and surrender without ever firing a shot or lifting a sword.
Tactical Edge
Beginning at 3rd level when you choose this archetype, whenever you roll initiative, you gain a tactics die, which is a d4. While you have this die, any creature friendly to you within 60 feet of you that can hear or see you can roll the tactics die as a bonus die when making an attack roll . Once rolled, the tactics die is lost until you regain it at the start of your next turn. The tactics die disappears when the combat ends.
If you start your turn and no one has rolled the tactics die, you can trade out the die for a die of the next larger size, such that a d4 becomes a d6, a d6 becomes a d8, and so on up to a maximum of d12. After the tactics die is rolled, when regained it reverts to a d4.
Student of War
At 7th level, choose either Culture, History, or Nature. You gain proficiency with the chosen skill and an expertise die on checks made using the chosen skill.
Operations Leader
Starting at 11th level, you devise a set of communication cues. Any allies who have received this training—usually taking 10 minutes of discussion and practice—do not need to share a language with you to benefit from this feature.
Additionally on your turn, you can use a bonus action and spend 5 exertion points to make it easier for you and your allies to help each other with certain skills. While this coordination is in place, your chosen allies can take the Help action as a bonus action to help each other. This coordination requires you to maintain concentration, and both chosen allies—the one with the skill proficiency and the one making the ability check—to be within 30 feet of you at the time of the ability check.
You can use your bonus action to change which allies benefit from the coordination each turn and you are able to concentrate on it for up to 10 minutes. The skills that can benefit from this are Acrobatics, Animal Handling, Athletics, Deception, Insight, Intimidation, Investigation, Stealth, and Survival. This might be used to help the team navigate difficult terrain , maintain a façade while undercover, or perform an ambush.
If you have proficiency in Stealth this coordination can happen silently via surreptitious signals. If you have proficiency in Deception this coordination can happen as a series of code words interspersed with other conversation. An onlooker needs to succeed on an Insight check contested by your ability check—whether Stealth or Deception—to realize the coordination is taking place.
Superior Tactics
At 15th level, choose one of the following.
More Tactical
Whenever you gain a tactics die, you gain an additional tactics die to a maximum of two dice. The second tactics die can be used like the first and the tactics die increases size in the manner described under the Tactical Edge class feature.
Tactical Efficacy
Your tactics die begins at d6. When you reach 20th level, your tactics die begins at d8.
Hidden Resources
At 18th level, choose one of the following.
Dig Deeper
You can take a bonus action to allow a creature to regain the use of an origin trait or class feature that would normally be regained by finishing a short rest . You can use this feature twice and you regain any expended uses when you finish a long rest .
Reach Further
While you are conscious and when an ally within range of your Commanding Presence would drop to 0 or fewer hit points, your ally can use their reaction to spend the tactics die and roll it to gain temporary hit points equal to the result plus your Charisma modifier (minimum 1). Once a creature has benefited from the tactics die in this way, it cannot do so again until it finishes a long rest .