Bear-Bonded || Defiant || Dreadnought
Fanatic || Queen Bee || Rager
Tempest || Troll Slayer
berserkers who can advance their causes and destroy their enemies with furious attacks and potent incantations.
Devotion to a cause can bring with it a certain righteous fury, and those who choose to channel this devotion and wrath can become Fanatics, supernaturally-empowered
Ideological Rigor
At 3rd level, you learn the subject of your intense devotion inside and out. You gain proficiency with Religion and your choice of Arcana, History, or Nature. If you are already proficient, you gain an expertise die . You also gain a free skill specialization in Religion or the chosen skill.
Tertiary Spellcasting
Also at 3rd level, your force of belief grants you supernatural power . Fanatics draw upon their magic to spread the word of their chosen cause or higher power and strike down its enemies. Your casting ability score is your choice of Charisma or Wisdom, and you can select cantrips and spells from the divine or weaponry schools. See the Tertiary Spellcasting rules for when you would acquire new spells and spell slots, as well as the rules for swapping out spells.
Supernatural Wrath
At 6th level, while you are raging, you can channel your magical prowess into potent effects. As a bonus action, you may spend a spell slot to charge your weapon with the power of your conviction. Your next successful melee weapon attack deals an additional number of d4s of either radiant or necrotic (your choice when you use the ability) damage equal to the level of the spell slot expended. If you do not hit with a melee weapon before the end of your rage, the energy is wasted. If this attack is a critical hit, the target must make a Wisdom saving throw against your spell save DC or be blinded (if you chose radiant damage) or poisoned (if you chose necrotic damage) until the end of its next turn.
In addition, you gain resistance to either radiant or necrotic damage. Once this choice is made it cannot be changed.
Zealous Conviction
At 10th level, your wrath hardens your will. While raging, you gain an expertise die on Wisdom saving throws .
At 14th level, your weapons become infused with the power of your conviction, even if you do not spend spell slots to power it. When you rage, choose either radiant or necrotic damage. Your weapon attacks deal an extra 2d4 points of the chosen damage type. This can stack with the bonus damage from Supernatural Wrath, but only if you have chosen the same damage type for both features.
In addition, you gain resistance to the damage type you did not choose at 6th level.