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You grew up on the streets. You know where to hide and when your puppy dog eyes will earn you a hot meal.

Why were you on the streets? Were you a runaway? An orphan? Or just an adventurous kid who stayed out late?



You served your apprenticeship among merchants and traders. You’ve traveled dusty miles and haggled under distant skies.

Why are you living a life of adventure? Are you working off your debt to the company store? Are you escorting a caravan through dangerous wilds?



You’re a hard-bitten veteran accustomed to long marches, short supplies, and the sight of blood. A career as an adventurer seems like the logical next step.

Were you a battlefield soldier in a war between nations? A mercenary or town guard? Were you a front-line grunt, an officer, or a specialist such as a medic or a war mage? Did you retire with honor or in disgrace, or do you still serve?



You’re an experienced mariner with a keen weather eye and a favorite tavern in every port. Hard voyages have toughened you and the sea’s power has made you humble.

Were you a deckhand, an officer, or the captain of your vessel? Did you crew a naval cutter, a fishing boat, a merchant’s barge, a privateering vessel, or a pirate ship? 



You are a seeker of the world’s truths and an expert in your chosen field, with esoteric knowledge at your fingertips, or at the farthest, in a book you vaguely remember.

Why have you left the confines of the library to explore the wider world? Do you seek ancient wisdom? Power? The answer to a specific question? Reinstatement in your former institution? 



You lived far from the farms and fields of civilization. You know the beauties and the dangers of the wilderness.

Were you part of a nomadic tribe? A hunter or guide? A lone wanderer or explorer? A guardian of civilization against monsters, or of the old ways against civilization?



You come from a family with hereditary power. Since you’re taking up a life of adventuring, it’s quite likely that you’re a second child or more distant heir with no vast inheritance to look forward to. You’ve got to make your own way in the world with only your years of training from armsmasters and private tutors, your many rich relatives and friends, and your not inconsiderable personal wealth.
