Workshops (which contain a forge, tools, and workers) include armorers, weaponsmiths which forge swords and other weapons, carpenters, bakeries, or any other location where items are created or repaired. Workshops range from singleperson smithies to enormous factories which employ dozens of workers.
Stronghold Feat: Choose the type of workshop. You gain an expertise die on ability checks made to craft items in your workshop.
At Grade 2, any items you purchase from your workshop are considered fine quality, although you only need to pay the cost of a normal quality item.
At Grade 4, any items you purchase from your workshop are considered masterwork quality, although you only need to pay the cost of a normal quality item.
At Grade 5, you gain advantage on ability checks made to craft items in your workshop and the time required is reduced by half.
Best Suited For: Any
Minimum Size: 100 square feet (Grade 1)
Minimum Quality: Luxurious
Followers Available: Porter, smith, teamster, torchbearer
Training Hall
Training Hall
Training halls encompass dojos, drill squares, and more. They often contain combat dummies, racks of wooden training weapons, and other equipment designed to improve the combat abilities of soldiers and warriors.
Stronghold Feat: While using your training hall, the training time required to gain proficiency with a new weapon is reduced by half.
At Grade 2, while using your training hall the training time required to gain proficiency with a new weapon is reduced to 1 month.
At Grade 4, while using your training hall the time required to relearn a class feature from the adept , berserker , fighter , herald , martial , ranger , or rogue class is reduced by half. In addition, while using your training hall a creature can both train in the use of a new weapon and relearn an adept, berserker, fighter, herald, marshal, ranger, or rogue class feature at the same time.
At Grade 5, while using your training hall the time required to retrain an archetype from the adept, berserker, fighter, herald, martial, ranger, or rogue class is reduced to 1 month.
Best Suited For: Adept , fighter , herald , rogue
Minimum Size: 100 square feet (Grade 1)
Minimum Quality: Average
Followers Available: Bodyguard, diviner, healer, porter, squire, torchbearer
Temple (stronghold)
Temple (stronghold)
A temple is a shrine or other place of worship devoted to a higher power. Temples range from small churches to magnificent cathedrals. Sometimes a temple is for followers of a specific deity or pantheon of gods, but they can also be sites for the idolization of broader entities like nature or one of the Moral Planes.
Stronghold Feat: Whenever you restore a creature’s hit points, you restore an additional hit point per die rolled.
At Grade 4, you gain advantage on Wisdom and Charisma checks made against followers devoted to the same higher power as your temple.
At Grade 5, you can be returned to life in your temple through the use of magic (with spells like reincarnation and resurrection ) without the need for material components.
Best Suited For: Cleric , herald
Minimum Size: 1,001 square feet (Grade 2)
Minimum Quality: Frugal
Followers Available: Diviner, healer, interpreter, porter, sage, torchbearer
Many retired adventurers go into business running a small general store or other commercial enterprise. A shop’s primary function is to earn money, and the larger the shop the more money it makes.
Stronghold Feat: You gain an expertise die on ability checks made to barter or trade for goods.
At Grade 2, you’ve learned some of the arts of trading and gain an expertise die on ability checks made to determine an object’s value or if it is fake.
At Grade 4, you are able to determine the value of any object you have access to by examining it for 1 minute.
At Grade 5, you know whether or not an object is fake after evaluating it for 10 minutes.
Best Suited For: Fighter , rogue
Minimum Size: 100 square feet (Grade 1)
Minimum Quality: Average
Followers Available: Apothecary, bodyguard, footpad, porter, torchbearer
Taverns are the backbone of society, places where people meet, eat, drink, and more.
Stronghold Feat: You have advantage on ability checks and attack rolls made against creatures poisoned by alcohol.
At Grade 2, you gain an expertise die on saving throws made against poison, and advantage on saving throws made against being poisoned by alcohol.
At Grade 4, you cannot be poisoned by consuming alcohol.
At Grade 5, you can use an action to consume alcohol and gain an expertise die on ability checks for 1 minute. Expertise dice from this stronghold feat do not stack with themselves.
Minimum Size: 100 square feet (Grade 1)
Minimum Quality: Frugal
Followers Available: Cook, minstrel, porter, torchbearer
Whether home to a band of outlaws or the permanent base of an army, an encampment is found in the wilderness, often consisting of multiple small buildings, tents, and shelters.
Rural: An encampment is a rural stronghold.
Stronghold Feat: You gain an expertise die on ability checks made to hide in natural surroundings.
At Grade 2, you’ve learned to live off the land. When you gain Supply as the result of a journey activity, you gain 1 extra Supply.
At Grade 4, you are so familiar with living in the wilderness that you no longer require a haven in order to remove levels of fatigue and strife during a long rest .
At Grade 5, your familiarity with temporary structures is such that you can spend 1 hour to create a haven able to shelter a number of creatures equal to your proficiency bonus. You can’t use this feature again until after you finish a long rest.
Best Suited For: Berserker , fighter , ranger , rogue
Minimum Size: 1 acre feet (Grade 1)
Minimum Quality: Frugal
Followers Available: Healer, teamster, torchbearer
Farm (stronghold)
Farm (stronghold)
A farm is any organized cultivation and harvesting from the land, from a family steading to a sprawling ranch. This typically includes groves of fruit trees, fields of vegetables, large pastures for the raising of livestock, or a combination of the three.
Rural: A farm is a rural stronghold.
Stronghold Feat: You gain a number of additional Hit Dice equal to your proficiency bonus (if you have multiple types of Hit Dice, use the largest). This does not increase your hit point maximum. In addition, you have no daily expenses while in the same region as your stronghold.
At Grade 4, your time working the farm has made it easy for you to recover quickly. When you expend Hit Dice to heal during a short rest , you can treat a Hit Die roll of 4 or lower as a 4.
At Grade 5, you regain 1 additional hit point for every Hit Die expended during a short rest.
Best Suited For: Berserker , druid , ranger
Minimum Size: 11 acres (Grade 3)
Minimum Quality: Frugal
Followers Available: Porter, teamster, torchbearer
Guildhouse (stronghold)
Guildhouse (stronghold)
A guildhouse is the headquarters of a group of individuals or businesses known as a guild. Guilds can range from criminal enterprises such as thieves guilds, to legitimate concerns such as merchants guilds. There are guilds for most crafts or trades.
Stronghold Feat: You receive a discount for mundane goods and services equal to 5% × your guildhouse’s Grade.
At Grade 4 or higher, you gain an expertise die on ability checks made to deal with representatives of commercial or criminal organizations.
At Grade 5 this expertise die increases to 1d6.
Best Suited For: Rogue
Minimum Size: 1,001 square feet (Grade 2)
Minimum Quality: Average
Followers Available: Porter, torchbearer (depending on the guild: apothecary, bodyguard, footpad, healer, minstrel, smith)
House (Stronghold)
House (Stronghold)
A house provides you and your party a safe place to live. Houses range from small dwellings to opulent palaces filled with ballrooms and banquet halls. When out adventuring, you are able to bring with you some of the comforts of home.
Stronghold Feat: The urge to return to your home can help embolden the hearts of everyone who travels with you. You and your allies gain advantage on saving throws made against forced marches when on a journey to return to your house.
At Grade 2, once per week you and your party may gain the benefit of a long rest by taking a short rest . A creature cannot benefit from this more than once a week.
At Grade 4, once per month you are able to throw a lavish and impressive event in your house that draws the attention of people from all around. You gain a 1d6 expertise die on Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma checks made while hosting such an event.
At Grade 5, this expertise die increases to 1d8.
Best Suited For: Any
Minimum Size: 250 square feet (Grade 1)
Minimum Quality: Frugal
Followers Available: Cook, footpad, minstrel, porter, torchbearer