Charm Crowd
Charm Crowd
You only require line of sight to a target (not line of effect) and it has advantage on its saving throw if you or your companions are fighting it. Until the spell ends, each target is charmed by you and friendly towards you. You can choose to instead designate another creature within range that the crowd is friendly towards. Anything harmful done to a target by you or an ally ends the effect on that creature. A target knows it was charmed by you when it is no longer affected by the spell.
Fire Storm
Fire Storm
Flames roar, dealing 7d10 fire damage to creatures and objects in the area and igniting unattended flammable objects. If you choose, plant life in the area is unaffected. This spell’s area consists of a contiguous group of ten 10-foot cubes in an arrangement you choose, with each cube adjacent to at least one other cube.
Angel Paradox
Angel Paradox
The target is bombarded with a fraction of energy stolen from some slumbering, deific source, immediately taking 40 radiant damage.
Arcane Sword
Arcane Sword
You summon an insubstantial yet deadly sword to do your bidding.
Conjure Celestial
Conjure Celestial
You summon a creature from the realms celestial.
Delayed Blast Fireball
Delayed Blast Fireball
A glowing bead of yellow light flies from your finger and lingers at a point at the center of the area until you end the spell—either because your
Divine Word
Divine Word
You utter a primordial imprecation that brings woe upon your enemies. A target suffers an effect based on its current hit points.
Enrage Architecture
Enrage Architecture
You animate and enrage a target building that lashes out at its inhabitants and surroundings. As a bonus action you may command the target to open, close, lock, or unlock any nonmagical doors or windows, or to thrash about and attempt to crush its inhabitants.
Until the spell ends or you use an action to end it, you step into the border regions of the Ethereal Plane where it overlaps with your current plane.
Finger of Death
Finger of Death
Negative energy wracks the target and deals 7d8 + 30 necrotic damage.