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Name Ritual Level Classical Spell School Spell Schools Summary Source
Circular Breathing Cantrip Transmutation Air, Enhancement, Water Breathe and sing underwater, and regulate your breath to avoid harmful gases. Adventurer's Guide
Conjure Elemental 5th Conjuration Air, Arcane, Earth, Fire, Nature, Summoning, Water Summon a bound elemental to aid you. Adventurer's Guide
Conjure Minor Elementals 4th Conjuration Air, Arcane, Earth, Fire, Nature, Summoning, Water Summon one, two, or three elementals. Adventurer's Guide
Control Water 4th Transmutation Arcane, Divine, Nature, Terrain, Water A body of water moves at your command. Adventurer's Guide
Create or Destroy Water 1st Transmutation Divine, Utility, Water Create or destroy up to 10 gallons of water. Adventurer's Guide
Freedom of Movement 4th Abjuration Divine, Movement, Protection, Water Free a creature from most constraints on its movement. Adventurer's Guide
Freezing Sphere 6th Evocation Arcane, Cold, Water Unleash an arctic blast that deals 8d8 cold damage and freezes water in the area. Adventurer's Guide
Water Breathing
3rd Transmutation Arcane, Divine, Enhancement, Utility, Water Grant up to 10 willing creatures the ability to breathe underwater for 24 hours. Adventurer's Guide
Water Walk
3rd Transmutation Arcane, Divine, Enhancement, Movement, Utility, Water Grant up to 10 willing creatures the ability to walk on liquid surfaces as if they were solid ground for 1 hour. Adventurer's Guide