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Fey Tongue

Fey Tongue

-level (

You gain a +10 bonus on Insight checks made to understand the meaning of any spoken Sylvan, Elvish or Primordial that you hear, or any written text in those languages that you can touch.

Fortified Will

Fortified Will

-level (

You harden a creature’s mind with an unbending willpower.

Fatigued Bargain

Fatigued Bargain

-level (

Your magic suppresses a creature’s inhibitions, urging out its own self-destructive strength.

Burst of Strength

Burst of Strength

-level (

In a sudden eruption of fortitude, you break bonds in inhuman fashion.

Skeletal Hands

Skeletal Hands

-level (

Dozens of skeletal hands reach from a wall or other vertical surface to grasp a creature within 5 feet of the surface. Make a melee spell attack.



-level (

When you cast this spell, select a 10-foot square section within range. If it is a hard, treated, or manufactured surface (such as wood, fabric, leather, stone, glass, or metal) it becomes spotlessly clean. Any foreign substances on the surface of the square that you specify such as dirt, blood, toxic chemicals, paint, ink, and so on vanish harmlessly, leaving the surface clean and sanitary. This cleaning makes it impossible to track a creature through the affected areas via mundane means, but the utter cleanliness may itself be suspicious.

This spell may be cast as a ritual

Chef's Plate

Chef's Plate

-level (

You instantly learn the ingredients list and preparation method for the item of food or drink targeted by this spell. For one hour after you cast the spell you retain perfect, detailed knowledge sufficient to perfectly recreate the serving of food or drink, including an accurate awareness of any contaminants (including vermin and poisons, but not disease) in the fare. Identifying such contaminants as harmful usually requires a DC 10 Perception check, but the Narrator may use DC 15 for those that are uncommon, DC 20 for rare, or DC 25 for those that are truly unique.

Beautify Creature

Beautify Creature

-level (

The creature is immediately and beautifully groomed, as if it had been lovingly attended to by a group of no less than 4 highly-skilled servants. Its clothing (if it has any) will be spotlessly clean with any minor damage mended and, at the creature’s option, it may also be festooned with ribbons, be perfumed, and have makeup, face paint, or body paint applied. If the creature desires, its hair, beard, fur, and/or feathers can be styled or cut by this spell.

Identify Weapon

Identify Weapon

-level (

While casting this spell, you touch a wound on a creature or corpse.



-level (

You levy a mild