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Heroic Substitution

Heroic Substitution

( points)

When damage from a successful attack roll would reduce your animal companion’s hit points to 0, you may move up to your base speed to position yourself between your companion and the  attack, moving your companion 5 feet if necessary, and take the damage of the attack instead.This maneuver does not cost your animal 
companion’s reaction.

Tactical Retreat

Tactical Retreat

( points)

When you realize an expedient exit is needed (perhaps due to the arrival of enemy reinforcements), you can quickly identify the best route and create the space for you and your allies to make a hasty escape.

You use your reaction to make a Wisdom (Deception) check opposed by an enemy’s passive Perception. On a success, you and allies within 30 feet (or within the same region during a space battle) can take the Disengage action and move up to twice your Speed (or engage your FTL engines) without invoking an opportunity attack.

Pilot’s Trance Stance

Pilot’s Trance Stance

( points)

You put your game face on as you strap into the pilot’s seat.

While piloting a vehicle:

Kinesthetic Geometry

Kinesthetic Geometry

( points)

You instinctively identify and leverage the perfect angles and impact points for throwing your weapon.

Reeling Strike

Reeling Strike

( points)

With a gesture, you telekinetically pull a distant foe towards you and strike them with your starglaive.

One target you can see or sense within 30 feet makes a Strength saving throw or is pulled towards you until it hits a stationary barrier (e.g. a wall or force field) or is within reach of your melee attacks. If the target ends up within reach of your melee attacks, you immediately take the Attack action and make a weapon attack, as well as any additional attacks granted by Extra Attack.

Deflect Missile

Deflect Missile

( points)

You block a missile and direct it back at your attackers.

Sever Limb

Sever Limb

( points)

With a swift, clean blow you sever the limb of your opponent.

Make an attack against a creature within reach with a starglaive blade or polearm. This attack bypasses the target’s resistance to damage, but its immunity to damage is unchanged. Your attack is made at disadvantage. On a hit you cleanly sever one of the target’s limbs and the target takes an additional 1d10 psychic damage. In addition, the creature suffers a level of strife. The limb is not severed if the target has immunity to the weapon’s damage or the creature is two or more sizes larger than you.

Trench Run

Trench Run

( points)

You fly dangerously close to avoid the guns firing above you and line up a perfect shot, but doing so puts you right in the crosshairs of the close range guns.

You may only perform this starship maneuver while operating in a combat zone surrounding a capital ship. Until the end of your next turn, any attacks that target you have disadvantage, and you have disadvantage on saving throws against weapons with the anti-starfighter property.

Hit the Brakes

Hit the Brakes

( points)

You suddenly decelerate, causing your foe to fly past you and into your gunsights.

Choose another starfighter operating in the same combat zone which has locked on to you. The starfighter makes a Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, you make an attack against the target.

Ace Maneuvering

Ace Maneuvering

( points)

You pull a maneuver either too brilliant or foolhardy for your tail to predict—putting them in your crosshairs.

One starfighter of your choice currently locked on to you makes a Wisdom saving throw or its lock on you is broken and you lock on to it instead. While locked on to a target you have advantage on attacks made against it. This lock on ends if you attack a different target or attempt to lock on to a different target.