Trinket Crab
Trinket Crab
Tiny beast
Mundane; boon, hazard
Speed 20 ft., swim 20 ft.
Regions: Restless Sea, Underland Realms, Cave, (caves, beaches, ruins, shipwrecks)
Often brilliantly colored, these Tiny hermit crab-like creatures are found in and near large collections of treasure, where they piece together their shells from tiny trinkets they find. Seeing them in the area almost certainly means that treasure is nearby. But, because these crabs are drawn to items that are shiny and colorful, unaware adventurers may find wayward trinket crabs absconding with some of their loot. Adventurers who succeed on a DC 12 Perception check notice a trinket crab or two fleeing with 1d4 gold pieces from their pouch or bag.
Snowflake Boa
Snowflake Boa
Tiny beast
Mundane; boon
Speed 20 ft.
Regions: Frozen Wastes, Lofty Mountains (caves, ice fields)
Naturally warm-blooded and covered in soft, fur-like feathers instead of scales, snowflake boas have adapted to life in cold, snowy climates where other snakes could not survive. Docile and slow-moving outside of a hunt, these snakes are often content to be draped across a person’s shoulders or around their necks like a scarf. Adventurers who succeed on an Animal Handling check (DC 13) gain resistance to cold damage from environmental hazards so long as the boa remains on their person.
While they can’t live outside of cold environments, snowflake boas are occasionally sold to those heading into frigid areas for 100 gold.
Siren Gull
Siren Gull
Tiny beast
Mundane; hazard
Speed 10 ft, fly 50 ft..
Regions: Country Shire, Restless Sea, Urban Township (coasts, open ocean)
Larger than the average seagull, these birds are found around coastal regions and on the open water. As their name suggests, their cry is incredibly loud, drawing the attention of both people and other creatures when it sounds the alarm. Adventures may attempt an Animal Handling check (DC 14) to distract the siren gull, or a Stealth check (DC 17) to avoid detection. On a failure, the siren gull unleashes a deafening cry that alerts all hostile creatures within 50 feet to the presence of a threat. Some attempt to keep siren gulls as a security measure. While this has been largely unsuccessful due to the bird’s contrary nature, there are those who still attempt to sell them for 40 gold.
Tiny monstrosity
Magical; boon
Speed 5 ft., fly 30 ft.
Regions: Blasted Badlands, Underland Realm (the Bleak Gate)
Endemic to the Bleak Gate, these insects resemble oversized dragonflies that come in various shades of black, gray, and white. A successful Nature or Arcana check (DC 14) reveals that when disturbed, a shadowfly will excrete a cloud of magical darkness around it to provide cover as it flees, as the darkness spell. This darkness lingers for 1 minute before dissipating. Shadowflies cannot exist outside the Bleak Gate.
Sepulchral Fox
Sepulchral Fox
Tiny monstrosity
Magical; boon
Speed 40 ft.
Regions: Blasted Badlands, Country Shire, Urban Township (graveyards)
With their luscious white fur, striking black skeleton-like markings, and four fluffy tails, sepulchral foxes are often a stunning sight to behold. These nocturnal canines make their dens either in or near cemeteries and other burial sites, where they are said to watch over the spirits of the departed. A successful Arcana or Religion check (DC 18) reveals that sepulchral foxes can serve as a conduit between the living and the dead. So long as an adventurer is within 30 feet of the sepulchral fox, they may cast the spell speak with dead without consuming a spell slot or requiring material components. Once this ability has been used, it cannot be used again until the next dusk. Attempts to keep sepulchral foxes from their chosen graveyard have all resulted in the creature disappearing the next dawn.
Small beast
Mundane; boon
Speed 20 ft., swim 30 ft.
Regions: Country Shire, Flowing River (riverbanks, lakes)
As their name suggests, rivercats are seen near streams, rivers, lakes, and other freshwater sources. Resembling a blue and teal-colored housecat with fin-like ears and webbed paws, they are most often found perched on riverbanks or on rocks, where they keep a keen eye out for fish. A successful Nature check (DC 12) indicates that the spot near the rivercat is good fishing. Adventurers who spend 1 hour fishing in this area may catch enough fish to fulfill the party’s Supply for one day. Rivercats react poorly to captivity, though some lucky fisherfolk have managed to strike up a partnership with one, trading the rivercats knowledge for a share of the haul.
Prismatic Tortoise
Prismatic Tortoise
Tiny beast
Mundane; hazard
Speed 10 ft.
Regions: Tangled Forest, Underland Realm (caves)
Resembling a tortoise but with a multicolored crystalline shell, prismatic tortoises are slow-moving denizens of forests and caves whose diet consists entirely of rocks and other minerals. This food source makes the tortoise incredibly dense for its size, and some specimens can weigh 400 pounds. Its crystal shell can pose a problem if it is hit directly with light, as it refracts the light and creates a sudden, bright flash. Creatures who are within 15 feet of a prismatic tortoise in a source of direct light must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or be blinded by dazzling lights for 1 minute. Due to their specialized diet and substantial weight, prismatic tortoises are rarely kept in captivity.
Lucite Slug
Lucite Slug
Tiny beast
Mundane; material
Speed 5 ft., climb 5 ft.
Regions: Lofty Mountains, Tangled Forest, Underland Realm (caves, woodlands)
These semi-translucent slugs are found both above and below ground, and their presence is marked by the thick trails of shimmering slime they leave in their wakes. This slime is incredibly sticky, and when fresh or properly stored, can be used as a strong adhesive. Attempts have been made to tame or domesticate them, but lucite slugs are delicate and rarely survive outside their native habitats.
Lucite Slug Slime (1 use, 25 gp). Broken or damaged nonmagical items made of wood, bone, or stone may be repaired using lucite slug slime, as the mending spell. Adventurers attempting to harvest fresh lucite slug slime or make a repair using the slime with their bare hands must make a DC 12 Dexterity saving throw or their hand becomes adhered to the surface the slime is on for 1 minute. A lucite slug can safely have its slime harvested once a week.
Lucite Slug Shell (35 gp). The shining shells of the lucite slug are prized by jewelry makers.
Fungal Drake
Fungal Drake
Tiny monstrosity
Mundane; hazard
Speed 10 ft., fly 60 ft.
Regions: Lofty Mountains, Tangled Forest, Underland Realm (forest floors, caves)
Though they may resemble dragons made miniature, fungal drakes lack a breath weapon, cannot speak, and are seldom larger than the average housecat. They sport a variety of brightlycolored fungal growths protruding from their bodies that can resemble mushrooms, lichens, and other fungi found both above and below ground. A tamed fungal drake is often a part of many a noble’s menagerie for their talent of discerning which mushrooms are safe to eat. When startled, they emit a small cloud of mildly irritating spores before they try to flee. Adventurers who are within a 10-foot radius of a frightened fungal drake must succeed a DC 12 Constitution saving throw or be incapacitated by a coughing fit for 1 minute.
While rare, fungal drakes can be found in specialized markets for 200 gold.
Tiny beast
Mundane; hazard
Speed 0 ft., swim 30 ft.
Regions: Feywood, Flowing River, Tangled Forest (jungle pools and rivers)
Schools of carnivorous fish that are found in jungle waterways, frenzyfish are usually docile—despite their name. However, if an injured creature enters the water near a school of these fish, their behavior changes violently. Wounded creatures or those who enter the water alongside one must succeed a DC 17 Dexterity saving throw to avoid the onrush of fish as they attempt to attack. On a failure, it takes 3d6 slashing damage as the frenzyfish rip into their wounds, or half as much damage on a success.